Das Dorf solotschin des Bezirks Swaljawski wird zum ersten mal im 1430-Jahr erwähnt. Die Einwohnerzahl des Dorfes beträgt 1250 Einwohner. Es hat sich zwischen den Bergen Krehaya und Tesanik ausgebreitet. Der name des Dorfes deutet auf den salzboden hin, der Reich an Mineralwasser ist. In der Nähe des Dorfes gibt es mehr als eineinhalb Dutzend Quellen. Zum Beispiel gibt es am Fuße des Berges Tesanik eine schwefelwasserstoffquelle, und im Gebiet von belasowitz ist Die Quelle «Wölfe Kwas», benannt nach dem Namen des Besitzers dieser Quelle in der österreichisch – ungarischen Zeit, als das lokale Wasser im ganzen Reich gehandelt wurde.
Arpads Urenkel, Fürst Geisa, nahm das Christentum an und zog seinen Sohn Istvan im christlichen Geist auf, wozu er die deutschen Missionare einlud. Die Frau des Jungen Istvan war die Schwester des bayerischen Königs Gisella (und selbst, deren Statue das Gebäude der Musikschule in Uschhorod schmückt).
Istvan I. der Heilige setzte das Geschäft von Arpad Fort und konsolidierte die Ungarn in eine christliche macht.
At first, there was a wooden fortification on the site of the Khust castle. Later, by order of the Hungarian kings, the fortress was rebuilt and made of stone. This reconstruction took a century from 1090 to 1191. Today, the remains of the fortress are barely visible through the trees. In the middle ages, Khust castle was known as an impregnable fortress.
The first written mention of Torun is found in documents of the first half of the XVII century. Torunska Church of the Introduction of the blessed virgin, built from spruce in 1809, is so similar to prislipska Church, of course, without repeating it, that the idea of joint authors of both temples suggests itself.
Hanukkah is a Jewish festival of lights, a celebration of candles that are lit by Jews all over the world in honor of the miracle that occurred during the consecration of the temple after the victory of the Maccabean army over the army of king Antiochus in 164 BC.according to legend, entering the destroyed, desecrated temple in Jerusalem, the Jews found a small jar of oil, which was enough to maintain the fire for only one day. However, miraculously, the fire in the Golden temple menorah burned for eight days. Exactly as much as was required for the preparation of new, purified and consecrated oil. Since then, the fluttering light of candles, wonderful aromas, and faith in miracles bring a holiday to every Jewish home and remind of the courage and heroism of the ancestors of the Jewish people.
Dzakarpattia is a multi-ethnic region, so its culinary traditions are striking in their diversity: every people who lived on this generous land left several popular recipes to their descendants. However, the influence of Hungarian cuisine was and remains the strongest. In winter, the bean goulash, a traditional Hungarian hot bean soup, can warm you up a lot.