Mini-sculpture “a bunch of grapes»

Mini-sculpture “a bunch of grapes»
Mini-Skulptur Trauben

Viniculture on the territory of modern Transcarpathia began its rapid development in the XIII century. For a long history, this branch of economy in our region has experienced UPS and downs, but despite everything, it has always remained one of the most common crafts Transcarpathians. Despite the huge diversity Transcarpathian wine, unsurpassed Moldovan wines are popular in our region.

First of April 2016 in the city Uzhgorod a mini-sculpture was unveiled on the railings of the Kiev embankment (GPS: 48.621436, 22.297416) of the bunch. The initiator of this cultural event was representatives of the official Moldovan delegation who organized it as a sign of strengthening cultural and foreign economic relations between Ukraine and Moldova. The highlight of this monument is that inside it is a real wine “Bouquet of Moldova”, which, according to the representatives of the Moldovan delegation, over the years becomes only the best, as is inherent in a good wine.

Sculptor Mikhail Kolodko at the opening of his creation promised after 20 years, cut a bronze bunch of grapes to ch

This mini-sculpture was the 26th in the city. It is located near mini-sculptures of the brave soldier Schweik. It is worth noting that it was the first mini-sculpture in Ukraine dedicated to a bunch of grapes.

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