Mini-sculpture of Istvan Dendeshi

Mini-sculpture of Istvan Dendeshi
Mini-sculpture of Istvan Dendeshi

Recently, on August 25, 2019, in Uzhgorod a mini-sculpture of the Hungarian poet Istvan Dendeshi was unveiled. This event was timed to coincide with the poet’s birthday, which took place 390 years ago in Uzhgorod. Designed it in the shape of a pearl. That is why the authors gave it the name “Istvan Dendeshi-pearl of Uzhgorod”. Placed this mini-masterpiece near the house at the address: Uzhgorod, istvana Dendeshi street, 8. This building in the Radvanka district is the oldest residential building Uzhgorod’s. In addition, it was in this house of the XVI century that Istvan Dendeshi was born in 1629. The authors of this mini-sculpture were Roman Murnik and Stepan Rusnak.

The Deputy mayor of Uzhgorod became the patron of the project Vasily Gomonai.

Istvan Dendeshi (1629-1704) – famous Hungarian a Baroque poet, a talented lawyer, and an outstanding politician. Studied in Presov and Protestant College in Sarpsborg. His teacher was an outstanding Czech teacher-reformer, the founder of the modern class-based system of education in schools, Jan Amos Komensky. From 1653, Dendeshi became President of the judicial chamber of the Comitatus Gemer. He worked as a military judge in Filakovo. In the years 1663-1667 Istvan Dendeshi was the Secretary of the palatina (Chancellor) Ferenc Vesheleni in the castle of Muran (now Slovakia), where he wrote the poem “Venus with Muran leads a conversation with Mars”. In connection with the disclosure the anti-Habsburg conspiracy under the leadership of Ferenc Veseleny Istvan Dendeshi was arrested. But he proved his innocence in court.

In 1667-1681 years. Istvan Dandeli was in the service of the various magnate families (urine, Budapest, Zrínyi, Kohari, Balassi). In the 1680s, he took part in the anti-Habsburg movement under the leadership of Imre Tekeli. I wrote an ode about a wedding Imre thököly and Ilona Zrínyi.How the lawyer defended the interestsIlona Zrini. After the defeat of the Imre Tekeli uprising Istvan Dendeshi switched sidesу Habsburg’s. In 1686-1693 and in 1700-1704 he was Vice-zhupan of the Gemer Comitatus.

Istvan Dendeshi was a popular poet of the Baroque era, a master of external poetic effects. He is considered the greatest lyric poet Hungarians The XVII century. It was called the Hungarian Ovid.

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