Mini-sculpture of the Hungarian poet Ferenc of Kelcey

Mini-sculpture of the Hungarian poet Ferenc of Kelcey
Mini-sculpture of Ferenc Kelcey

This bronze mini-sculpture was installed on January 30, 2019. It was placed on the railing Uzhgorod Hungarian the house, which is located at the address: M. Uzhgorod, st. Mukachevsky, 54. It became the thirty-sixth Uzhgorod mini-sculpture of Mikhail Kolodka.

The Consulate General provided assistance for the installation of this bronze mini-masterpiece Hungarians in the city of Uzhgorod.

This mini-monument was inaugurated by Jozef Bugayla (General Director Consul of Hungary in Uzhgorod) and Alexander Shpenik (Director of the Ukrainian-Hungarian educational and scientific Institute of Uzhnu).

Jozef Bugaila started the opening ceremony with his speech mini-sculptures with greetings to all on the day of Hungarian culture. He noted that Ferenc Kelcey 196 years ago at the age of 33 he wrote the words of the national anthem of Hungary.

Also at the opening ceremony was attended by lászló Subunits (head Hungarian cultural Institute), who gave a short lecture on Ferenc Of Kelcey.

It is also worth noting that the author of the music of the Hungarian national anthem is Ferenc Erkel, which is also immortalized by a mini-sculpture in Uzhgorod.

Ferenc of Kelcey is an iconic figure in the history of Hungary. He was a poet, publicist, critic, and political figure. Through his work and activities, the poet significantly influenced Lajos Kossuth and the revolutionary-democratic youth, led by Sandor Petefi.

For a long time, Ferenc Kelcey lived in the Hungarian village of Sotmarket. He received his mail in the Transcarpathian city Beregovo. It is no accident in Beregovo name of Ferenc Kelsey was named one of the streets. In addition, he repeatedly visited the city of Uzhgorod.

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