Mini-sculpture of Ferenc rakotsi II in Mukachevo

Mini-sculpture of Ferenc rakotsi II in Mukachevo
Mini-sculpture of Ferenc Rakoczy II

Міні-скульптуру Hungarian national hero Ferenc Rakoczy II vstanovili 24.10.2015 rock. Vona became another mini-sculpture of the sculptor Mikhail Kolodka in Mukachevo.

The sculpture is installed on the street Pushkino (coordinates N 48 26.462′ E 22 43.072′). This mini-sculpture is grotesque, symbolic, it is mounted on a column with symbolic rings at the bottom. In ancient times, such columns were tied horses’.

The place for the installation of the mini-sculpture was not chosen by chance, since before 1945 this square was called Ferenc Rakoczy. The inscription “With God for the Motherland and Freedom”is stamped under the mini-sculpture. This slogan was popular in Mukachevo during the national liberation uprising of smoke Mukachevo castle, with small interruptions, from 1680 to 1711. Here passed the best years of his life.

Ferenc rakotsi considered the inhabitants of Transcarpathia who followed him to war against Habsburg dominion, “by the faithful people”. Therefore, the current inhabitants of Transcarpathia can be proud of their glorious ancestors, who were so called. As the turbulent events of recent years show, these genes have been passed on to modern Transcarpathians, who are ready to selflessly fight for freedom, independence and territorial integrity Ukraine.

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