Travel on the Kinburn Peninsula

Travel on the Kinburn Peninsula
Kinburn salt lakes

Warm and filled, incomparable, sea air will accompany you all the time you spend in this unusual and untouched by civilization area. Kilometers of empty sandy beach will please lovers of peace and quiet. A tempting sense of freedom and an irresistible desire to explore everything that the eye sees are the first feelings that arise when you find yourself on this remote Peninsula. The aroma of coniferous trees will not recede for a moment. Don’t forget, almost the entire Peninsula is a nature reserve. The diversity of flora and fauna can be seen firsthand, you do not even need to open the “Red book”.

Traveling the Peninsula, you can choose two options for overnight accommodation: camping with a tent or private recreation centers, mini-hotels or guest houses. There are many salt lakes on Kinburn, so if you decide to relieve stress and get a charge for a whole year – this is just what you need. Kinburn is surrounded by the Black sea and the Dnieper-bug estuary.this unique location guarantees peace of mind for birds that can only be seen in glossy magazines. During the trip, you can feel the wild nature, and the free steppes give a sense of infinity and peace. Here you can feel like a living and free person, unencumbered by the limits of society.

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