Uzhgorod Museum of Fedor Manail


In 1981 in Uzhgorod was founded museum the prominent Transcarpathian artist Theodore Manayla. He hails from the village of Ivanovtsy Mukachevo district.

Fedor Manaylo (1910-1978) was born in the family of a rural school teacher. The place where the artist received his education was the Higher school of art and industry in Prague. His works were significantly influenced by motives folklore’s Silver land. He was one of the founders Uzhgorod schools of applied art. Fedor Manaylo worked as a teacher at this educational institution. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the Transcarpathian regional branch of the Union of artists of the Ukrainian SSR. Later, he became the head of this cell. Fedor Manaylo helped with the design of the drama theater and the Philharmonic in Uzhgorod. He was also invited to collaborate with publishers and film studios.

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Entering the Museum tourists will be able to feel a kind of multi faceted talent artist’s, read the works that he left behind. His creative heritage is very diverse: paintings, drawings, decorations, book miniatures, and the like. Most of his works are dedicated to his native land. They are called a real encyclopedia of Verkhovyna. The artist also engaged in the cultivation of ornamental melons, which he turned into works of art. He applied various patterns to them while they were still growing. In total, the Museum has more than two thousand exhibits.

The Museum is located at the address:, Uzhgorod, vul. Druget,74. He works from Tuesday to Saturday from 09.00 to 17.00. Sunday and Monday are days off. Contact telephone Museum-0312232604. excursions should be arranged in advance.


in Uzhgorod








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Юрій Грицький-Анненков
Юрій Грицький-Анненков
5 out of 5 stars
in the last week
Надзвичайно яскраві та вражаючі картини про побут гуцульщини
Olga Derkachova
Olga Derkachova
5 out of 5 stars
a month ago
Very cozy museum. She discovered the artist Fedor Manail. His paintings are something unique. I advise everyone to visit this...
Oleksandr Koval
Oleksandr Koval
5 out of 5 stars
5 months ago
Лише тут Ви не лише почуєте унікальну історію, про фантастичну постать, одного з засновників Закарпатської школи живопису, дізнаєтесь де навчався, та який спадок залишив виданий художник. Будинок де жив та творив майстер. А ще, лише тут дивовижна колекція диньок з різьбленням, це справді безцінний скарб. Справжній скарб Ужгорода та Закарпатя. Це будинок музей художника Федора Манайла.
Роман Патерсон
Роман Патерсон
5 out of 5 stars
7 months ago
Рекомендую для культурного времяпровождения и общего развития.
Yuriy Potaychuk
Yuriy Potaychuk
5 out of 5 stars
a year ago
Квартира-музей в которой жил известный художник Манайло. Внутри осталась обстановка как при жизни художника.Стоит посетить

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