Uzhgorod Church Union


The situation of the Orthodox clergy in Transcarpathia in the XVI-XVII centuries deteriorated significantly. He was abused as Catholics as well as Protestants. In the confrontation between Catholics and Protestants, the Orthodox clergy decided to compromise with Rome. So on April 24, 1646 in Uzhgorod castle 63 Orthodox priests led by Vasily Tarasovich in the presence of the Catholic Bishop of Jaeger György Yakushich accepted the Union, that is, they agreed to join their Church to the Catholic one and recognized the supremacy of the Pope. However, a number of exceptions were made, in particular, the rite of the Greek Church was preserved. The agreement was implemented very slowly. Only in 1651 did Rome approve the first Mukachevsky Greek Catholic Bishop Peter parthenius. Only in 1771 was samu canonized Mukachevskaya Greek Catholic diocese.




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         For indigenous people Slavic population of Transcarpathia, for many centuries it was under foreign domination, and Greek Catholicism gradually acquired an ethnic character. Thanks to him, the Greek Catholic native set himself apart from his neighbors-reformers and Roman Catholics, asserted his identity, protected himself from assimilation.







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