Goryanskaya rotunda


Introduction to Uzhgorod it will not be complete without visiting the famous mountain rotunda, which is one of the oldest attractions sacred architecture Ukraine. Believers have been coming here to pray for almost 1000 years.

The rotunda was recently restored and re-consecrated in January 2007. Is the monument a distance of four kilometers East from the Central part of Uzhgorod, on the rocky speech Nowadays Polyana, which is part of Vyhorlat-Galinsoga range. It offers a magnificent view. With Goryanskaya rotunda in recent years begin to celebrate the city Day.

A former independent administrative-territorial unit, the village of goryany became part of the city of Uzhgorod at the beginning of the 20th century. According to one hypothesis, Uzhgorod does not take its origins from Capstone,and from Goryanskaya mountain. And indeed just above the rotunda there are ruins or something palace’s, whether ancient monastery’s, which the locals call “Gorodishche”.
The irrefutable fact is that part of this  churches Anna’s Church, a rotunda with narrow Windows, is the oldest example of stone architecture in Uzhgorod. The walls themselves are two meters thick.


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There are many versions about the age of the rotunda’s Foundation: from the IX to the XII century. The nave and vestry of the Church were built later – in the XIV-XV centuries. The glory of the Goryanskaya rotunda brought a unique fresco found under the plaster during the renovation in 1879. Previous scientific analysis has already established that these are frescoes of the XIII-XIV centuries. The frescoes are painted mainly in cold colors and depict well-known subjects:”Annunciation“, “Flight to Egypt”, “the Road to Golgotha”, “Christ before Pilate”,”the last supper”. Apparently, the author of the frescoes was familiar with the work of Giotto, the forerunner of the Italian Renaissance. There is a version that the frescoes on the walls of the rotunda were commissioned by the owner Horror Dominie Gyorgy Druget, of Italian descent.

In 1960-1962, the frescoes were restored. Improper repairs in the early 1990s almost led to a disaster: the humidity level in the temple increased, and the frescoes were threatened with extinction. Fortunately, there were funds for heating the temple and replacing the tin roof with shingles. Another unique feature of the mountain Rotunda-inside it has five (and sometimes six) radially placed niches-apses, whiletemples of this type they had, as a rule, eight similar niches. Thus, Goryanskaya rotunda in the plan is the right hexagon.






« Горянська ротонда»,2020
Техінка: суха голка
Формат: А3

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Nazar Prosovych
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Дуже гарне місце. Краєвид звідти відкривається гарний. Також варта зайти всередину і подивитись на фрески, які відрізняються від класичних, навіть від тих що у дерев'яній церкві в музеї побуту в Ужгороді. Слід відмітити що це одна з найстаріших архітектурних пам'яток, які є в Україні.
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Passing by, you can call in. But purposefully not worth it, nothing interesting
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