Capital tales of the village of Horinchovo


The Village Of Horinchovo ХUst district Transcarpathian region is located at a distance of 15 kilometers to the North-East from ISA in the river valley of the River. The population of the village is just over three thousand people.

It was first mentioned in written sources in 1350. Then it was called Telemeter. Subsequently, its name changed to Garincha (1403), Gerinche (1460), Gerenchi (1555).

За legend, once in the local thickets settled robbers who fled from the serfdom. Every year the tall thickets were burned, and the next spring they had to be burned again. Therefore the village that emerged at this place, called Horinchovo (from burning). In our time, the village is famous for its storytellers, of which there are several dozen. Most famous of all were the tales from Gorinchovo by the folklorist Peter LINTUR (1909-1969). it was thanks to his Titanic works that collections of fairy tales were published: “Tales of the village”, “tales of the highlands”, “the Twelve brothers”, “Grandfather Vsevo” and others. When ethnographers expeditions Of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences collected works of folk art in 1946, only from Gornichovo they brought more than three hundred fairy tales.

Annually in Horinchovo is a festival of storytellers “Tenacious fabulous tradition.”

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