Coat of arms of the Transcarpathian region


The regional coat of arms of Transcarpathia was proposed and approved by the Parliament of the Czechoslovak Republic on 30 March 1920 as the coat of arms of the Subcarpathian Republic Rus’s. It was represented in the middle coat of arms of the newly formed state, which included the symbols of five lands: Bohemia, Silesia, Moravia, Slovakia and Subcarpathian Russia. Today the coat of arms of Subcarpathian Rus adorns one of the walls of the Cathedral Holy Vitus in Prague.

The coat of arms looks like this: on the right, a silver French shield, the color of which is associated with the symbolic name of the region – Silver Land, shows a red figure teddy bear – host and defender of the Carpathians mountain. On the left three yellow and four blue stripes symbolize the seven main rivers of the region – Тису, The Teresva, Trifle, River, The Borzhava, Latoritsa and Uzh.

Researchers have some disagreements about the interpretation of the coat of arms. According to the Transcarpathian ethnographer’s Pavel Fedaki’s seven stripes symbolize the seven former comitates of historical Transcarpathia, while the silver and red colors represent the influence of Czech and Slovak heraldry. Andrzej Votsyal believes that the bear is an ancient symbol of the coat of arms of Pyotr Petrovich (Petenka), najupan zemplinsky and dinner In the fourteenth century.

During the Declaration of independence carpathian ukrainethis coat of arms became the state one. It was then slightly modified by adding the Trident of St. Vladimir The Great.

After decades of neglect, this coat of arms became the official coat of arms of the Transcarpathian region on December 18, 1990.

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