Hungarian and Kievan princes


The chronicler Nestor mentions a mountain near Kiev, which was named Hungarian – it was on it in 898 that one of The Hungarian tribes’. Ties between Hungary and Kievan Rus was signed on 15 mediastinum marriage.

The first pair was a Hungarian Princess Predslava (daughter of Prince Taksony) and Prince Svyatoslav (died 972). The Union aimed to create a coalition to fight the Bulgarians.

The daughter of Vladimir the Great and Rogneda, predslav, married Duke Vasul, a cousin and heir Saint Istvan I.

Daughter of Yaroslav the Wise and Swedish Princess Ingegard Anastasia she became the wife of king Endre of Hungary. Later, Anastasia was even able to put her minor son on the throne.

The grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the founder of the Galician princes ‘ dynasty, Prince Rostislav married the daughter of the Hungarian king Beila and Ilona.

Strangely, the Rurik and Arpadovich dynasties died out at about the same time: in 1304 and 1301, respectively.

All these marriages had a positive impact on the development and deepening of cultural ties between Transcarpathia and Kievan Rus. After all, together with the Kievan princes in Hungary, primarily in Transcarpathia, moved monks, priests, boyars, vigilantes who were educated and spread the writing of Kievan Rus in these lands.

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