Fertile valleys in the South of Transcarpathia are inhabitedHungarians (self – designation-Magyars). On these lands they came back in the 896 year. However, the process the approval authority of theHungarians in Transcarpathia continued until the XIV century. From then until the end First world war they occupied a dominant position in our region. Transcarpathian cities had a pronounced Hungarian character, although their population was mixed. Influential people-doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges, army and police officers, and members of the nobility were mostly Hungarians or magyarizovanimi Jewsand Germans. Representatives of other nationalities who intended to climb the social ladder were forced to accept Hungarian culture. Hungarian farmers owned most of the farms in the low-lying fertile part of the region and were quite wealthy.
The period of Hungarian rule ended in 1919, when Transcarpathia became part of the Czechoslovak Republic. The government reduced the ownership of Hungarian nobles. Most large landowners were forced to give up their estates in exchange for financial compensation. The Hungarian population has decreased, partly due to emigration, but largely due to the fact that Jewry, those who considered themselves Hungarians could boldly declare their national identity. There were 120,000 Hungarians in our province at that time. Most of them were loyal to the new democratic state.
During the Second world war, Transcarpathia was again under the rule of Hungary, an ally of Germany, but the attempt to take a leading position in the region was interrupted by the arrival of Soviet power. A large number of Hungarians were repressed by the new Soviet government.
During the time of independent Ukraine, a significant part of Transcarpathian Hungarians left for Hungary. If in 2001 there were 152,000 of them, now their number barely reaches 125,000. Relations between Ukrainians and Hungarians during the period of independence remained tolerant. The rights of Hungarians to study in their native language in the Transcarpathian region are fully guaranteed.
Map of the distribution of Hungarian and Romanian languages in Transcarpathia Hungarian dance ensemble Honved Hut from the village of Vyshkovo