Didivska lake is a remnant of the Black swamp Machar, on the site of a former sand quarry. The name comes from the village of Diyda (former name – Dedovo), which is located a few kilometers West of Beregovaya. Old-timers claim that a huge black snake with a long neck and a thick body lives in the lake. Based on this description, we can make the assumption that the diedivske monster is a relative of the world-famous monster from the Scottish Loch ness. According to local residents, earlier during night bathing on the lake, people often disappeared without a trace, and these victims were attributed to a mysterious snake. However, no such cases have been recorded in recent years.
In summer, lake Dyda is a favorite holiday destination for Transcarpathians and guests of the region. There is a sailing center on the lake, a cafe and a medical center
In 1981, the Museum of the outstanding Transcarpathian artist Fedor Manaylo was founded in Uzhgorod.
Entering the Museum, tourists will be able to feel the unique multi-faceted talent of the artist, get acquainted with the works that he left behind. His creative heritage is very diverse: paintings, drawings, decorations, book miniatures, and the like. Most of his works are dedicated to his native land. They are called a real encyclopedia of Verkhovyna. The artist also engaged in the cultivation of ornamental melons, which he turned into works of art. He applied various patterns to them while they were still growing. In total, the Museum has more than two thousand exhibits.
During the 1960s and 70s, two dozen wooden buildings of the XVIII-XX centuries were moved from the villages of the Transcarpathian region to the territory of the Museum. This is one of the first open-air museums or skansens in Ukraine. It began operation on June 27, 1970. The Museum is located not only as an " exhibition of achievements” of folk architecture of Transcarpathia, but also as a small independent village.
In the center of the village, to the left of the highway, you can see the silhouette of a wooden three-pipe Dmitrievsky Church. It was built in 1780 from spruce beams in the style of Maramorosh Gothic. This temple has preserved works of artistic carving of the XVIII century and tempera painting of the XVII century. Unfortunately, the roof of the temple is covered with tin.
The village is a famous balneological resort of national significance. Treat people with local mineral water began at the end of the XVIII century.
Soimy, where two roads converge in Mezhgore, and Repinka merges with her older sister, River. It is from the "conjunction" (confluence) of two rivers that the name of the village came
Local history Museum is the largest Museum in the Transcarpathian region. The Museum was founded on 20.06.1945. Then it was called the people's Museum of Transcarpathian Ukraine and was located in 17 rooms of the former zhupanat. The Museum included departments of Ethnography, nature, and social construction. In June 1946, the people's Museum was reorganized into a local history Museum and moved to the Uzhhorod fortress in March-April 1947. At that time, there were 10,000 exhibits. Today, more than 133,000 exhibits are collected here.
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