Khust district

Khust district
Ruins of Khust district

The population of Khust district is almost 96,000 people. Via the territory is bordered by Romania. There are 57 localities in Khust district points. The area of the district is 975 square kilometers, 40 percent of which is covered by forests.

Most of the Khust district consists of mountains. The highest peak of the mountain is Lac (1134 m). The largest rivers in the district are Yew tree and teasing.

Khust district is known for its therapeutic mineral water, the most famous of which are predatory, Shayan, Narcissus and Dragowska.

Khust district boasts the so-called “the Carpathian sea” – Olshansky reservoir – and Lipovets lake, formed in the crater of the volcano.

On the territory of the Khust district stretches a picturesque Uholsky massif of the Carpathian biosphere reserve, as well as incredible beauty Narcissus valley. Khust district was lucky to preserve unique samples Maramorosh Gothic which include the wooden churches in the villages Danilovo, Krainykovo, Sokyrnytsia, Aleksandrovka.

In addition, the ruins of two medieval castles are located on the territory of the district: Khustsky та The vyshkovsky.

All these attractions attract a huge number of tourists every year from all over Ukraine and many European countries.

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