Serednyansky wine. History and modernity


Local climat favorable for viticultures, and already in the middle ages, forests were cut down here to plant vacant land plots with vines. The local wine was first mentioned in 1417. The grapes are enriched Average, made it one of the richest settlements in the region. Son of the owner of the Middle – Stephen Dobo, in the XVI century, expanded the wine cellars with the help of the labor of captured Turks. According to legend, the captured Turks were so cruelly exploited in these works that they all died. For a long time, local residents called srednyanskie basements not otherwise than “Turkish”.


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Now the total length of underground corridors is almost four kilometers. Until 1946, parts of the underground labyrinths were removed for aging their products by local private winemakers. Still the corridors of the dungeons are named after their former owners: Arvika the road, Gang, Kirichenko.

In Soviet times, local alcoholic beverages were not only kept in the cellars, but also imported ones were preserved:French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Algerian. After the necessary aging these wines were sent in tanks to Moscow, Kiev, Khark

The cellars are still used for their intended purpose by the Leanka winery»(що Hungarian it means “girl”, the name of a well-known middle-Class variety grape’s). On the wall of the basement there is a wooden plaque with the inscription: “Hollowed out by the efforts of noble brothers, heirs and owners of the castle in the Middle, Francis Stephen and Dominic Dobo from the Russian. The Year Of Christ 1557”. According to legend, the Dobo brothers adapted part of the underground passage that allegedly led from the local castle to theМукачівський замок.

In the XVII century, middle-class wines were even exported to Western Europe. When the Russian Tsar visited Moscow In 1711 Peter I,returning from the Prut campaign, he tasted the local wine and liked it so much that the monarch ordered to buy a plot of serednyanskih vineyards. Serednie wines tasted N. Ceausescu and Leonid Brezhnev.

To try the drink that captivated the king, and our days, once on the tour-tasting in wine cellars of serednie. The most famous local brand – wine “Troyanda Transcarpathia”. In 1966, it received a gold medal at the international exhibition in Sofia. This is the most expensive wine in the mid-range. Among other types: «Pearl Of The Carpathians», “Serednyansky castle “”seductress”, “Riesling Transcarpathian”, “Cabernet”. The temperature of the cellars dug in the tuff keeps the level of 12 C all year roundº. Tubs oak, which is stored wine, they have a volume from 700 to 5000 liters. In each barrel throughout its “career” is always stored wine of only one variety. Local giant can accommodate up to 10 of 594 liters of wine! If you consume 300 grams of this drink every day, a person will have enough of this capacity for 106 years. The tasting room is also located underground. It is located at the address of the village. Average, vul. Shevchenko, 8 and receives visitors on weekdays from 08.00 to 17.00. On weekends, the salon can only be visited by prior arrangement.








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За мной замок Тамплиеров или Середнянский замок, а ...

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3 out of 5 stars
3 weeks ago
Прекрасна место, Ukraine’s last state-owned winery and a trustworthy wine hotel, I hope that the Chinese will visit here!
Захарчук Елена
Захарчук Елена
5 out of 5 stars
a week ago
Очень рекомендую для посещения! Познавательная и интересная экскурсия, которая плавно переходить в дегустацию. Отличные вина, которые можно тут же купить в магазине по очень приятной цене. В теплое время год рекомендую взять кофту - в подвалах прохладно.
Max Vans
Max Vans
1 out of 5 stars
a week ago
Symfomania Sympho-rock band
Symfomania Sympho-rock band
1 out of 5 stars
3 weeks ago
Крайне разочарован в этом году. Был 2 года назад, очень понравилось, привез друзей в итоге даже попасть внутрь не смогли. На входе написано что работает до 17.00. По факту уже в 14.00 оказалось закрыто. На дверях висит номер, позвонил. Сказали что ради 3х туристов не будут открывать даже магазин. Полное днище как по мне. С таким отношением к вам скоро и трое туристов не приедет. Советую поехать в погреба в Береговский район. Там тоже есть много интересных мест.
Александр Заславский
Александр Заславский
5 out of 5 stars
3 weeks ago
Дуже сподобалось. Особлива подача і теплий прийом

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