Svalyavsky district

Svalyavsky district
The map of Svalyava district

Svalyavsky district is not very rich in architectural monuments, so for many tourists it is only a transit point on the highway Kiev-Chop or Lviv-Mukachevo. But svalyavsky district has other advantages. Most of the district’s territory (its area of 680 square kilometers) is occupied by mountain arrays. The highest point of the district is a mountain Stand (1677 meters). On Calamine also located ranges Bruises,Barlieb DIL and Borzhava.

Almost the entire territory of the district is occupied by Svalyavskaya health and Wellness zone: more than a quarter of all mineral water minerazakarpattia is concentrated in svalyavsky district – and this is almost a hundred sources. So it is not surprising that Calamine so many sanatoria and boarding houses.

Already in the documents of 1463, it is recorded that local waters were used not only for drinking, but also for the treatment of stomach diseases. Currently, the district has developed drilling wells of sodium bicarbonate waters of various mineralization such as Narzan, Vichy, Essentuki, Borjomi, Staraya Russa. The best known sources of Salandini – Mineralnye Vody with Glades, Flat, Pigeon, Apiary, Svaliavas.

The area is also rich in minerals (alunites, dolomite, kaolin, zeolite, diorite, marble, various clays, sand, volcanic tuff and other).

The population of Savelovsky district is almost 55 thousand people. They live here side by side Ukrainians, Hungarians, Romanians, Russians, rums, Germans, Slovaks. Almost 95% of the district’s population are ethnic Ukrainians. There are 29 localities in the district.

On Calamine is actively developing tourism infrastructure. Every year, the number of tourists visiting this picturesque area Transcarpathia is increasing. Most tourists are attracted by the incredibly beautiful nature and healing mineral waters of svalyavsky district.

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