Travel to the border village of Vilok


In Vinogradovsky district Transcarpathian region at a distance of 14 kilometers South of Of shalanky the border town of Vilok is located. The first written mention of it dates back to 1200. The population of the village is more than three thousand people. The modern name of the village. Vilok comes from the ancient Hungarian name of the village – Tysauylok, which translates as new settlement on Yew tree.

It’s close to Hungary: here it is, on the second Bank Yew tree. The majority of the local population is ethnic Hungarians. According to the 2001 census, 81.5% of the village’s residents consider Hungarian their native language.

In the XIX century, the settlement received the status of a town. At that time, it already had its own coat of arms: in a Silver shield, on a wavy base, three times divided by azure and silver, a wooden boat is depicted, which is led by a peasant in red clothes; the mast of the boat is crowned with a coat of arms The Austro-Hungarian Empire.The coat of arms recalls the local Marina for boats that transported salt on the river Tisa.

There is an international road crossing near Vilok. In the center of the village, next to the Department store, there is a stone church Saint Helena was built in 1788. In the XIX century, a four-tiered tower was completed above the main facade of the Cathedral. The temple has preserved tempera paintings of the beginning of the XX century.

One of the oldest buildings is located in the center of Vilok Transcarpathia – the Salt house. As a warehouse for salt, its Foundation was built in 1417. Over time, it underwent changes. Until recently, the room was the school is located, now the building is closed.

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