Unique village of Bobovo


If from the village Fork move towards the Hungarian border and cross the bridge over Yew tree, and behind it turn left, after six kilometres there is a unique village of Bobovo Vinogradovsky district Transcarpathian region. It was founded in the year 1400. The village was formerly called Biken, and from 1946 to 1995 – Bean. The modern name of the village comes from the proper name of the Hungarian Biken. The village has a population of just over two thousand people. It is inhabited mainly by Hungarians.

In the village of Bobovo preserved stone temple the end of the XIII-beginning of the XIV century, which since the XVI century belongs to the reformed community. This is one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Transcarpathia. Belfry the Church was built in the 1960s.

In tysobyken ‘ is valid Zatisyansky Museum of local lore, opened in the 1970s in the neoclassical building of the Palace of counts Fogoroshev in 1895. Nearby is the picturesque Grafsky park with plane trees and Linden trees. The exhibition is dedicated to the everyday life of the Hungarian-speaking population of the district. The most interesting exhibits in the Museum are folk ceramics, Viennese Baroque furniture and Souvenirs. The Museum has a conference hall with 50 seats. In addition, there is an opportunity to organize folklore evenings’.

In the courtyard of the Museum there is a small Skansen, where you can see several ancient buildings: the house of the teacher in 1920, the estate of the middle man in 1882 and the poor man in 1918, Greek Catholic Church (the former chapel of the counts Fogarasi). The Museum is located at the address: T. Shevchenko street, Bud. 74. Contact phone number +380971794231.

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