Velyky Berezny district

Velyky Berezny district
Map of the bereznyansky district

The area of this mountainous region of the Transcarpathian region is 800 square kilometers. The population of the district is more than 26 thousand people. The absolute majority of the district’s population is ethnic Ukrainian (93 %). In addition, there are representatives of rums’, Slovaks’, Hungarian, Jews’, Russian, Moldovans and other nationalities.

The region is important in terms of cross-border trade. cooperation. Here lies the state border with Slovakia and Poland.

В районі є одне селище міського типу (районний центр Great Birch) and 32 villages.

The highest peak of the region is Polonina Runa (1463 meters). The significant influence of the Slovaks is noticeable in the region of the great lakes, who live in these picturesque places since the end of the XVIII century.

Більшу частину району займають mountains covered with dense forests. The forest Velyky district have significant damage from illegal logging.

The district has extremely rich natural wealth. Active industrial development is carried out in relation towoods, two mineral spring and rubble.

Thanks to the beauty of the local nature and availability ski resort Thousands of tourists visit the region every year.

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