Volovets district

Volovets district
Map of Volovets district

Volovets district is located in mountain the Northern part of the region. It is a small area of 544 square kilometers. The population is less than 30 thousand people. 98% of the district’s residents are Ukrainians. Most of them belong to ethnographic group of Boykov.

Forests – the main wealth of the region – are now often subjected to illegal activities clearings.There is a florist in the area reserve “Peak on the ridges near the village Pidpolozzya.

It is on the territory of the Volovets district that the highest place in the Carpathians where rock oak and black pine. It is located on the High Stone mountain, which is a natural monument.

Mountain meadows are rich in medicinal herbs (mountain Arnica, Lily of the valley, spring white flower).

The OSA trout reserve operates in the district. On there is a trout hatchery located on its territory, thanks to which for a long time for decades, the reservoirs of Volovechchina have been zarbnivaetsya.

On the territory of the Volovets district seven sources have been explored mineral water. The most famous of them is located in the Zanka tract.

The beauty of Verkhovyna’s landscapes, the healing mountain air, the magnificent ski slopes of Volovecchini attract thousands of tourists every year.

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