Church of the Intercession in the village of Deshkovitsa


In Deshkovitsa Irshavsky district Transcarpathian region, in the center of the village on a flat hill, there is a Church complex that consists of Pokrovskaya church XVIII century and the bell tower. First this one wooden church with oak beams it was located in the neighboring village of Seltso, from where it was moved to Deshkovitsa in 1839. This is confirmed by the inscription on the door frame. It was a three-tiered room church boykovsky type, from which the log cabins, the hipped top with two halls over the Nava and the hipped top over the altar, as well as several individual details, have been preserved. The Church was reconstructed on a new site in 1839. The log walls remained open along the entire height of the building. The common five-wall log house of Navi and Babinets is joined on the Eastern side by a narrower altar log. A two-tier frame gallery adjoins the Western wall of Babinets.

A five-wall log house with a gallery is covered with a high gable roof, which seems tiny compared to the height of the log house. Above Babinets is a square a tall tower with a Baroque two-tiered finish. A narrow road encircles the Church along the entire perimeter, relying on three sides on the release of log cabins, and on the facade – on different columns, thus forming a porch.

The five-wall log house contains only four small Windows square-shaped-two in the altar part and in the walls of the Navi. In addition, in the altar on the South wall there is a window high up under the roof probably a decorative one purpose.

In 1967, the temple was renovated by local craftsmen. During the repair, the roof was covered with a new beech tree, the arches of the golosnits on the tower were sewn vertically planks, and tin was covered with the Baroque completion of the tower.

Next to the Church is a high two-tiered bell tower with a wide a gallery and a hipped roof over an open arcade. It was built, apparently, in 1839. This bell tower can be attributed to masterpieces. Its majestic oak construction it plays in the sun with different shades of shingles. Smooth concave planes hipped top over the arcade golosnikov masters showed high professionalism in working with a tree.

In General, the intercession Church with a bell tower in the village of Deshkovitsa forms one of the best architectural ensembles of Transcarpathia.

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