The Church of St. Demetrios in the village of vil’khovytsya


Into the village Mukachevo district, as in other lowland villages of the region, almost nothing has been preserved wooden Church buildings landmarks’. Only in the village of vil’khovytsya near village of chinadievo persisted wooden church St. Demetrius, built in the XVII century. The date of construction of the Church is based on the carved inscription on the door. At first, the Church was located in the neighboring village of Bystrica. In 1910, the Church was moved to Olhovitsa and rebuilt. As a result of the reconstruction, the shape of the top of the bell tower was changed, and the flat ceilings of the nave and the altar were replaced with Korobov. In addition, the window openings of the frame above the gallery was expanded, and near the frame of the pews were cut brackets fear and a smooth transition from the roof of the nave and roof of the apse.

Unfortunately, church St. Demetrius was not only rebuilt – but also completed – the facade was completed with a canopy in the form of a three-pitched roof covered with metal profiles, which distorted the architecture of the temple.

The shape of the Babynets and Navi is rectangular, the altar part is pentahedral. Above babynets rises a square bell tower, which is completed by a four-pitched top with a cut corners. The roof of the Church is combined: over most of the temple-a two-pitched roof, and above the Eastern part – faceted. The roof shingles have been preserved. The building is belted on three sides of the canopy, which is based on the release of the crowns of the log house (Western facade no trump). The interior of the temple is decorated with icons of the XVII century and an interesting figure a cutout in the inner wall between the Western and Central rooms.

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