From the history of the Carpathians

Traditional amulets of the Transcarpathian house

Separate rites and beliefs associated with attributes that should protect the home. At the entrance...

Transylvanian Prince Gyorgy I Rakoczy

Gyorgy I Rakoczy (1593-1648) is a heroic figure in the history of Transcarpathia. After...

Rites “zasnovan and savasin” in Transcarpathia

Individual rites and customs were performed at the bookmark the lower crown of the...

Transcarpathian Germans

German colonists appeared on the territory of modern Transcarpathia after the Tatar-Mongol invasion, in...

Transcarpathian Rums

     Transcarpathian Rums, more than known as Gypsies, they have long lived in the towns and...

Transcarpathian Hungarians

Fertile valleys in the South of Transcarpathia are inhabitedHungarians (self – designation-Magyars). On these...

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