Vinogradina – the land of wine and grapes


Vinogradovskiyздавна славиться своїми vineyards (known since the third century). On the Black Mountain above the city. Vinogradov unique types of wild grapes are still growing. Many different varieties are grown in the area: Isabella, Lydia pink, Wilder, Noah, Delaware pink, Othello, Kobera, Teleki, Riparia (Portalis), Aurora, Sasorosh and many others. Even the medieval coat of arms of this region shows a bunch of grapes, a fish, an oak branch and the legendary black crab from the Bator river.

The vineyards on the Black Mountain were tended by the city headman himself, appointing watchmen during the maturation period. The headman also announced the beginning and end of the grape harvest (from the end of September to the end of October). Sevlyushki vineyards suffered an epidemic of phylloxera at the end of the XVIII century, after which the plantation had to be planted again.

Until the end of the XIX century, the tradition of a festive procession from the city to the mountain at the beginning of the grape harvest was preserved. It was headed by the senior watchman, who carried the city’s coat of arms. Accompanied the processionGypsymusic, and the grape pickers brought up the rear. Until Soviet times, a lavish ball was held in honor of the completion of the grape harvest.

The wine-making tradition is alive in the city of Vynohradiv and now. Length of underground wine storage facilities in Vinogradovskywine the height of the plant reaches 350 meters. They are dug in the shape of a horseshoe. They always keep the temperature of + 11…+14 ° C. In huge oak barrels at the same time contains 700 000 liters of wine! Ancient barrels are real masterpieces of relief wood carving. Vinogradov hosts a traditional regional festival of winegrowers, which attracts winemakers not only from Transcarpathia, but also from many European countries.

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