Uzhgorod castle. Legends and stories


In the XVII century the owner of Uzhhorod Castle was Captain Druget. And he had a beautiful daughter. Her eyes were as blue as the sky, and her hair was the color of a bright sun. At that time, the Polish troops of Prince Lubomirski like a tornado swept across Transcarpathia, getting closer to the Uzhgorod’s. One of the nobles went to the city on a secret mission. It is unknown how, but Druget’s young daughter fell in love with the pole and told him all the secrets of the castle.


When the angry father found out about his daughter’s infidelity, he immediately ordered her to be immured alive in the castle wall. Since then, the girl’s soul has not known rest, a white shadow wandering at night through the corridors of the castle. Her moan seems to be heard on windy nights. In the people, the Ghost of the girl was called the white maiden.



In the Middle ages, there was a custom to immure people alive in the wall of the fortress-according to legend, this strengthened its defenses. Especially often immured children or chaste girls. It was believed that their pure souls would protect the castle. Given the fact that the walls around Uzhgorod castle were built in 1653-1658, just during the Polish invasion, who knows… Perhaps this legend is based on real events. Or perhaps a moan-like noise is made by a barrel or jug that is walled up in a corner of the castle. In this way, medieval masons took revenge on customers who paid poorly for their work.

There is a Museum nearby





Uzhgorod castle
Castle Druget in Uzhgorod
Ghost of the white maiden of Uzhgorod castle

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