Serednyansky castle of the knights Templar


Distance from Uzhgorod’s до Mukachevo – 42 kilometers, and in the middle between them is an urban – type settlement-Average.
This village was first mentioned in the XII century. The name arose precisely as a result of its location between the two main cities of Transcarpathia.



According to legend, the founders of the Middle city changed the location of their settlement several times, until it was exactly in the middle between the previous locations.


Sredne is famous for the remains of a 13th-century Templar castle. Serednyansky castle is considered the easternmost Outpost of this powerful medieval order and almost the only one the castle of the Silver land in the Romanesque style. The Templars, who were not only soldiers and monks, but also enterprising businessmen, were brought to Transcarpathia by the white gold of the middle ages – salt which is very rich in these lands. In addition to business, the Templars were engaged in providing medical care to the local population. They even knew how to perform surgical operations.


In 1312, the Templar order was liquidated, after which the fortress was transferred to the monks of St. Anthony, who also practiced medicine. Later, in 1380, the castle was taken over by the monks of the order of St. Paul, who were engaged in spreading Latin script and even opened a school. Later, during the reign of Charles Robert of Anjou, Serednyansky castle became a bone of contention between the king’s favorites, the magnates Druget and the feudal lords of Palochi. Feudal feud lasted for almost a hundred years before the Middle was finally taken over by representatives of the family of Palochi. After the death of the last representative of this family at the hands of an Ottoman warrior in the battle of Mogach in 1526, the castle came under the rule of the family of the Dobo. The most famous representative of this family was Istvan Dobo, who in 1552, during the Austro-Turkish war, led the heroic defense of Eger. During it, a small force of less than 2,000 soldiers held off the onslaught of Ali Pasha’s huge army, which numbered more than 100,000 soldiers, for more than a month. Istvan Dobo visited the Serednyansky castle many times. His son, with the help of the labor of the Turks who were captured, renewed and seriously strengthened the fortress.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the fortress became the scene of constant battles during permanent wars. The castle began to fall into disrepair. During the kuruz’s uprising at the beginning of the 18th century, the Serednyansky castle suffered serious destruction. It was never restored again.

To get to Serednyanskaya stronghold, you should go along the main street of the village, past the bus stop and a large temple we head to the mill, near which we turn into a small lane to the right. A few dozen meters further and to the right of the road you can see the gray ruins of the donjon tower, the only surviving fragment of the Serednyansky castle. The donjon is the main and most characteristic link of defense of any Romanesque fortress, its predecessors-the border Roman wooden towers of the Romans along the Rhine and Danube. The donjon of the Serednyansky castle was 20 meters high and consisted of three tiers. The walls of the castle were 2.6 meters thick.


The first two tiers of the tower have been preserved to this day, and the third one has been partially preserved. On the first tier were the Arsenal and the prison. Next to the donjon is a pit filled with stones. There is a version that it is the remains well. Also near the donjon you can see the remains of two lines of defense – a wooden palisade and a ring of moat with a rampart. There is a version that it was near this castle that the Templars hid their treasures. Someone knows perhaps in the future some lucky person would lucky to find them.







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За мной замок Тамплиеров или Середнянский замок, а точнее то, что от него осталось. Возведен ещё в XII веке. Орден тамплиеров использовал замок в качестве таможенного поста. Местные гордятся такой достопримечательностью, а их дети👫 предлагают экскурсию по неприлично большой цене💰: бегут за тобой и уговаривают, что расскажут супер увлекательную историю замка. #закарпатье, #замокТамплиеров, #середне, #середнянскийзамок, #путешествие, #история, #руинызамка, #transkarpatia, #castle, #travel, #traveling, #mytrip, #iliketraveling ...

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5 out of 5 stars
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