Блог Go-To.Rest

The Ghost of a knight Bronikowskiego castle

On the border of the irshavsky and mezhgorsky districts of the Transcarpathian region, on the mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukhaya, there are ruins of a medieval castle that was built in 1273. Until our time, only a few large stones and the remains of ramparts on the top of the mountain have survived from the fortress. An old road that branches off from the main road near the bridge leads to the remains of the fortress, which are located not far from the bronkivsky forest area

Journey to Veliky Berezny

The urban-type settlement of Veliky Berezny was first mentioned in written sources as early...

Tour of the city of Tyachev

Visiting the main attractions of the city will not take much time. In the...

Amazing temples in the village of Chetfalva

If you go from the village Beni Vinogradovskaya highway to the border with Vinogradovsky...

Mini-sculpture Kukoc in the city of Uzhgorod

This original mini-sculpture was unveiled on November 27, 2016, and became the 27th miniature...

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Потрібно прочитати

Gothic Church in the village of Danilovo

In the small village of Danilovo Khust district Transcarpathian region with a population of...

Kelechin village and its unique mineral water

Kelechin is known for being the birthplace of the first President of the Carpathian Ukraine, Augustin Voloshin. In the village there is a memorial plaque dedicated to an outstanding countryman. In addition, there are plans to build a Museum dedicated to him. Not far from the village is a unique source of natural sparkling mineral water "Kelechin". This water is used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, gynecological diseases, digestive organs, and even radiation sickness. There are no analogues in the world classification of mineral waters of kelechinskaya. The locals call mineral water region "bukutamu". It is planned to build a sanatorium based on the unique mineral water in Kelechin.

Winter holidays in the village. Mizhgirya

In winter, Mezhgorye becomes extremely popular for a variety of tourists and travelers who love skiing. It is for them that two famous ski resorts operate in Mezhgorye: "Alliance" and "Kamenka".

Популярні історії

Mini-sculpture ” Andy Warhol»

Mini-sculpture of the king of pop art Andy Warhol was installed on December 6,...

Uzhgorod mini-ship ” Carpathia»

Uzhgorod mini-sculpture ship "Carpathia" is located on Theater square next to Nicholas. on a...

Transcarpathian kolomyyki

One of the most characteristic song genres of Transcarpathian folklore are ditties. These are short humorous songs. The most common ditties are in the mountain villages of Transcarpathia, especially in the Hutsul region, where they dominate all other song genres. Chastushki-short songs that are often combined in” bundles", a number of performers, usually without a strict plot. It all depended on the situation and the performer. Ditties could be used as accompaniment to the dance, which is called "kolomyika” or "hutsulka". Besides the genre was created by mountain shepherds and woodcutters. Sitting by the fire in the long evenings, they liked to tell different stories-stories, usually with stories about potaybichni forces. Men who possessed the gift of the so-called "Bai" were specially invited to family rituals, where they had to scare away evil spirits and bring good ones. In Hutsul mythology, there are about two hundred demonic entities. Some of them help, and some of them harm people.

Beregovsky district

Beregovsky district it was created on the basis of the Pritisyansky and Kosonsky districts...

Lazeschina ski resort

Lazeschina, like many other villages in Transcarpathia, is readily used by skiers and boarders. Housing prices in Lazeschina are affordable, and the distance to the famous ski bases in Dragobrat and Bukovel is insignificant. Dragobrat is only 18 km away, and Bukovel is 20 km away.

Korolyovo village-pearl of Vinogradov Region

The most interesting point of travel to Vinogradovsky district The Transcarpathian region is undoubtedly...

Популярні категорії

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Transylvanian Prince Gyorgy I Rakoczy

Gyorgy I Rakoczy (1593-1648) is a heroic figure in the history of Transcarpathia. After...

St. Michael’s Church in the village of Ivashkovytsya

At the foot of a low hill, a little way from the houses in...

«Voevodyno» Resort

there are two routes in voevodino. One of them is 900 meters long and is intended for adults and belongs to the category of medium difficulty. The second track, which is located on mount krasia, has a length of 300 meters and is intended for children. The height difference on highways does not exceed 100 m. There is a rope lift and a baby lift. Arrangement of descents is carried out with a ratrak. The trails are well lit in the evening and at night. Snow in" voevodino " lies from December to April.

Останні історії

Sigmund Pereni

For many centuries, the main habitat of the famous Hungarianthe noble dynasty of pereni...

Hutsul horses

Hutsul a horse, or just Huculak is a unique breed, well adapted to heavy...

Customs and rituals for choosing a place to build...

House construction the construction of commercial buildings was an important event, if only because...

Customs on the choice of construction materials in Transcarpathia

Certain prohibitions and beliefs were associated with logging tree.It was not allowed to use...

Traditions and customs are associated with the beginning of...

According to traditional custom, the house was started build during the "full moon", so...

Rites and traditions of housewarming in Transcarpathia

According to popular beliefs, those who will be the first to enter the house,...



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