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Reserve Zacharovana Dolyna

In the Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on the territory of the Zacharovanyi Krai National Nature Park, there is the Zacharovana Dolyna Nature Reserve, which includes two natural sites of national importance: the Smerekovyi Kamen tract near the village of Ilnytsia on the southern slopes of Buzhera Mountain in the upper reaches of Smerekovyi Stream, and the unique sphagnum bog Black Mud (sphagnum is a bog moss that forms peat). The most original rock massif in Ukraine is called the Enchanted Valley. The outcrops of the bedrock here have created high cliffs in the shape of fantastic creatures. Weathering has polished these figures from light grey calcite. With a little imagination, the stone giants turn into pyramids or people, dragon fangs or castle ruins. The majestic 20-metre-high Spruce Stone is the guardian of this miracle.

Заказник «Зачарована долина»

Photos and videos of the territory of the reserve Zacharovana Dolyna

Brief overview

🗺 Location N48°24′08″ E23°04′28″
🔰 Founded 1978
🗾 Area 150 hectares
🌲 Status Geological reserve of national significance
🧭 Distance from Irshava 12 km
🚙 Road for Car, on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent Yes
🏡 Housing nearby Irshava
☕ Cafes and shops Irshava

Detailed description of the protected area Zacharovana Dolyna

Amazing landscapes, rare and endangered plant species are the main assets of the reserve. Its area is 150 hectares. The name “Zacharovana Dolyna” was suggested in 1930 by the Transcarpathian naturalist Petro Sova.

Not far from the valley and the village of Osiy, in the Kamyanka tract, there is a tourist and recreation camp for 70 people. Holidaymakers can make masks from local clay soaked in mineral water and bathe in a cast-iron boiler filled with the same mineral water.

On the crest of the Velykyi Dil ridge, next to Buzhera Mountain and the Zacharovana Dolyna, at an altitude of 800 metres above sea level, there is the Black Mud sphagnum bog, where rare plants grow (round-leaved sundew, cranberries, broad-leaved fluff, black water lily). The bog is called black because of its high peat content. The bog is of great hydrological importance. It is the source of the Irshavka River. The area of the Black Mud is 15 hectares. Unfortunately, in recent years, the bog has dried up a lot. Near the reservoir, in the vicinity of the village of Chornyi Potik, there is a two-storey recreation centre for 70 people. By the way, there is a legend about the origin of the name of the village Chornyi Potik. Once upon a time, a tall spruce tree was struck by lightning, the tree caught fire, and everything around it burned down. For many years, nothing grew at the site of the fire. Then a stream that ran nearby cried black tears. The tears watered the ground, and it began to come to life, covered with vegetation. Sceptics, however, claim that charcoal used to be burned in this place, which made the water dark.

How to get to the Zacharovana Dolyna geological reserve?

Walking route to the Black Mud

🔰 Start From the village of Chornyi Potik
🚶 Walking distance 5.5 km
🕐 Approximate time 2.5 hours
⬆ Rise From 385 to 744 m

Walking route to the Split Stone

🔰 Start From the outskirts of the village of Ilnytsia
🚶 Walking distance 4 km
🕐 Approximate time 2 hours
⬆ Rise From 270 to 721 m

On the map

What’s interesting nearby?

Other places of interest

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Заказник «Зачарована долина»
The Zacharovanyi Krai National Nature Park in Khust district of Transcarpathian region is home to the Zacharovana Dolyna Nature Reserve,
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Руїни замку Нялаб (Королевський замок)
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Печера тамплієрів у Виноградові
The Templar Cave, locally known as the Sea Eye, is located on the top of the Black Mountain in Vynohradiv.
Кузня-музей «Гамора»
In the village of Lysychovo, Khust district, there is the only functioning water forge-museum in Europe, Hamora, on the Lysychanka
Церква Введення Пресвятої Богородиці
The village of Lokit, Khust district, Zakarpattia region, is located in an extremely picturesque place. Unsurpassed and untouched nature has
Церква Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці
In the village of Deshkovytsia, Mukachevo district, Transcarpathian region, in the centre of the village on a flat hill, there

Tours and excursions

Accommodation nearby

Готельно-ресторанний комплекс Praha у Іршаві
78 Shevchenko St., Irshava
+380 ....
from 1000₴/night
Садиба «У Петровція»
Kamianka tract, Osii village
+380 ....
from 400₴/night
Готель «Illara»
St. Shevchenko, 145, Irshava
+380 ....
from 1000₴/night
Санаторий «Боржава»
Dovge, str. 15, Sichovyh Streltsiv
+380 ....
from 1240 ₴/day

Where to eat?

Ресторан ELYSIUM у Іршаві
118 Nezalezhnosti Street, Irshava
+380 ....
Ресторан «Версаль» у Іршаві
St. Zavodska, 8, Irshava
+380 ....