Nowadays, Ust-Chorna is a good option for winter holidays. The village is located in Gorgany at an altitude of 553 m. There are ski trails of various levels of complexity with a length of about 1000 m. They are equipped with rope and chair lifts with a length of 250 meters, 400 meters and 750 meters. Skiers mostly stay at the popular tourist base "Christmas Tree".
Didivska lake is a remnant of the Black swamp Machar, on the site of a former sand quarry. The name comes from the village of Diyda (former name – Dedovo), which is located a few kilometers West of Beregovaya. Old-timers claim that a huge black snake with a long neck and a thick body lives in the lake. Based on this description, we can make the assumption that the diedivske monster is a relative of the world-famous monster from the Scottish Loch ness. According to local residents, earlier during night bathing on the lake, people often disappeared without a trace, and these victims were attributed to a mysterious snake. However, no such cases have been recorded in recent years.
In summer, lake Dyda is a favorite holiday destination for Transcarpathians and guests of the region. There is a sailing center on the lake, a cafe and a medical center
In the village of Lisichevo, irshavsky district (mentioned since the XIII century, the population is over 3 thousand inhabitants), the only operating water forge in Europe-the Gamora Museum on the Lisichantsi river. This modest at first glance long one-story building with a wicker fence is a living piece of history. The name of the forge, built in the first half of the XIX century on the site of the old paper mill of count Teleki, comes from the German word Hammer (hammer). Transcarpathians still call big hammers scales.
The village of Osiy in the irshavsky district of the Transcarpathian region is a popular place for skiing holidays. Here, in the Kamenka tract, there are two tracks of initial and medium difficulty. They are equipped with rope tows and a snow groomer. At night, the tracks are illuminated.
The village of Izki is located along the road from Volovets to Mezhgorye, just behind the village of Pilipets. It has a population of just over 800 people. Once the village of Pilipets was not a separate locality, but was a part of Izok
The Sinevir brown bear rehabilitation center is a huge, ecologically clean territory with an area of more than 12 hectares. It is enclosed by a fence that is electrically energized. Synevir national nature Park was chosen for the construction of such a center not by chance. Its natural and climatic conditions and location fully meet the needs of brown bears. In the upper part of the center there are 6 cages and 2 sections for keeping bears with different ages and health conditions. There are also pools and dens. Tourists have the opportunity to observe clubfoot through special nets and fences.
Nowadays, Ust-Chorna is a good option for winter holidays. The village is located in Gorgany at an altitude of 553 m. There are ski trails of various levels of complexity with a length of about 1000 m. They are equipped with rope and chair lifts with a length of 250 meters, 400 meters and 750 meters. Skiers mostly stay at the popular tourist base "Christmas Tree".
The Church in the village of Belasovitsa was probably built by the same craftsmen as the Church in the neighboring village of Kotelnitsa. But since no Church community agreed to a direct repetition of an existing Church, the masters had to show miracles of ingenuity to avoid repeating themselves. According to the old-time churchman Mikhail Halus (born in 1921), whose father and grandfather were also churchmen, the Church of St. Nicholas was built by craftsmen from lazov Vasily Lomaga and Vasily Dalekorey. The Church was built in 1890.