Vinogradovsky district

Vinogradovsky district
Rafting The River Tysa

Vinogradovsky district it is located in the South-Central part of Transcarpathia, near the border with Hungary and Romania. There is an international car Park in the area(Fork) and railway (Dyakovo) crossings. The area of the district is 700 square kilometers. There are 51 localities in the district (1 city, 2 villages, 29 large villages). The population is 120,000. The area is mostly flat, the highest point is mount Frasin (826 meters). There are many residents of the district Hungarian, rums’, Romanian, Jews’, Germans’and Russians’. The vast majority of the district’s population is Ukrainians.

Near the village of Malaya Kopan, archaeologists found a settlement of Dacians (I century ad). Here, on an area of 7000 square meters, they excavated more than 100 structures for various purposes. Found household items and tools are displayed inVinogradovsky Museum of local lore.

Vinogradovsky attracts many tourists. The district has a large number of architectural monuments that reflect different styles and different times. The oldest attraction is the ruins of the castle Kanka. For tourists on the territory of Vinogradovsky district organized rafting on the river Yew tree on kayaks, rafts (rafts). Various cultural and excursion programs are offered.

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