Блог Go-To.Rest

Novoselitsa ski resort

This village has always been noted for its developed recreational potential. The flow of tourists to Novoselitsa has grown significantly in recent years, after the ski Busa with tow lifts was opened here. The ski track itself is 1200 meters long. The tow lift with ratrak operates on 950 m of the route, its capacity is 850 people per hour. The height difference on the novoselitsa ski track is 270 m.

Village resort Pigeon

It was near Golubin in 1878 that the counts of Schoenborn began to extract water from the springs "Margit", "Luga-erzhebet"and" Pannonia-jofia". In those days, this water was used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, intestines, kidneys and gall bladder, as well as diabetes.

Mini-sculpture ” Andy Warhol»

Mini-sculpture of the king of pop art Andy Warhol was installed on December 6,...

Church of the virgin in the village of Lokot

The Village Of Elbow Irshavsky district Transcarpathian region is located in an extremely picturesque...

Church of the Holy spirit in the village Kotel’nytsya

In the next village Silence the village Kotel'nytsya Volovets district Transcarpathian region is an...

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Потрібно прочитати

Mini-sculpture of yank Derevlyany

Ivan Shchur is a legendary figure in the history of pedestrian transport tourism's in...

Travel on the Kinburn Peninsula

Warm and filled, incomparable, sea air will accompany you all the time you spend...

Gurkalo Waterfall

On the M06 highway (Lviv-Stryi-Uzhgorod), if you turn in the village of Verkhne sinevidnoe...

Популярні історії

Royal tree yew berry

Berry yew is a coniferous tree species. In ancient times this unique tree occupied...

The emergence of Protestantism in Transcarpathia

After the defeat at the battle of Mohac in 1526, Hungary was divided between...

Customs and rituals for choosing a place to build...

House construction the construction of commercial buildings was an important event, if only because...

Collecting potions and other Kupala rituals and traditions in...

На Закарпатті існувала традиція збирати в день Ivana Kupala a variety of medicinal potions....

Travel to the second capital of Transcarpathia-the city of...

Mukachevo is a district center in the Central part of Transcarpathia, an ancient city...

Mini-sculpture ” Small Uzh”

The mini-sculpture was opened on February 7, 2015. It became the thirteenth in Uzhgorod....

Популярні категорії

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Traditional amulets of the Transcarpathian house

Separate rites and beliefs associated with attributes that should protect the home. At the entrance...

Mini-sculpture ” Small Uzh”

The mini-sculpture was opened on February 7, 2015. It became the thirteenth in Uzhgorod....

Legends and greatness of the Mukachevo castle

Castle cPalanok, the main historical attraction of Mukachevo, can be seen already a few...

Останні історії

Uzhotsky pass

There are enough roads in Transcarpathia. All of them pass through the Carpathian mountains...

Klondike in the village of Muzhievo

If you go with Coastal aside Vinogradov, then the first village on the way...

A magical journey to the city of Beregovo

A visit to the third largest city of Transcarpathia, Beregovo, will give you a...

Climate features of Transcarpathia

The territory of Transcarpathia is under the influence of air flows, which are carried for...

Mini-sculpture of Peter the Great

Although in Uzhgorod Peter the Great never was, but he loved it very much...

Mini-sculpture of Nikolai Shugai

Sculpture of the last of the Transcarpathians opryshkov (member of the peasant insurrectionary movement)...



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