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Discover the unique world of craft brewing in the Carpathians and Transcarpathia with our detailed guide! Our page offers an exclusive overview of the best breweries in the region, where you can learn about the history, traditions and secrets of producing authentic Carpathian beer. Explore the location of each brewery, their unique features and enjoy the unrivalled taste of local brews. Our interactive map will help you easily plan your beer journeys, and information on nearby resorts will ensure a convenient combination of relaxation and gastronomic experiences. Discover the culture of the Carpathians through their unique flavours!

Броварня “Микуличин” (Гуцульське)

The best breweries of Transcarpathia

Броварня “Микуличин” (Гуцульське)
One of the symbols of Mykulychyn village is the famous Mykulychyn Brewery. It was opened relatively recently - in 2002.

Breweries on the map

Photos and videos