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The city of Beregovo is one of the largest tourist centres in Transcarpathia. There are unique healing thermal waters, a large number of historical and architectural monuments, cosy cafes and restaurants where you can taste original Hungarian cuisine and unique local wines. Rest in Beregovo will be full of entertainment at any time of the year. In winter, Beregovo primarily attracts tourists with its thermal pools. Beregovo – thermal waters, this is the association that most tourists in Ukraine have. In spring, sakuras and magnolias bloom and the city becomes a real garden. Summer holidays in Beregovo are associated with the opportunity to enjoy the coolness in tasting rooms and taste local wines or soak up the beaches of the nearby town Lake Dyida. In autumn, the best way to spend time in Beregovo is to take a tour of the historical and architectural monuments.


A trip to the third most populous city in Transcarpathia, Beregovo, offers a unique chance to feel like you’re abroad without leaving Ukraine. And all thanks to the language barrier. Most of the city’s residents are ethnic Hungarians. Two flags fly over the city council: Ukrainian and Hungarian. Signs and announcements are written in Hungarian and then translated into Ukrainian.

Even Beregovo itself is called Beregsas by the locals, as it was in Hungarian times. The city also boasts the Hungarian Consulate, the Transcarpathian Hungarian Pedagogical Institute, the Hungarian National Theatre named after Gyula Jesch, and the centre of the Transcarpathian Reformed Church. A large number of memorial plaques in Beregovo are decorated with pine wreaths wrapped in ribbons in the colours of the Hungarian flag (red, white and green). In this way, Hungarians honour their prominent ancestors or important events. Beregovo is mostly a Hungarian-speaking town. But most residents speak Russian, young people are fluent in Ukrainian, and the traditional hospitality and friendliness of the people of Transcarpathia speaks louder than any words.

History of Beregovo

People have been living on the site of modern Beregovo since ancient times. There is even a version of the Roman border settlement Perigium, which existed here during the Roman Empire.

According to the legend, the city has its origins in the creation of a church on Ferenc Rakoczy Square in the 12th century. An ancient legend tells of a shepherd named Sas and his pugnacious bulls. After another “bullfight” on the bank of the Vyrke River, where the church now stands, Sas found a pot of gold in a place trampled by cattle. With this money, the shepherd built a church over the river. This is supposedly the name of the town: “Bereg-Sas”.

Another version is suggested by a memorial plaque on the facade of the aforementioned church in honour of Duke Lampert, the youngest son of the Hungarian king Bela. Historians attribute to him the honour of founding the settlement in 1063, which for some time even bore the name of its founder: Lampertgaza, or Villa Lampert.

In the middle of the twelfth century, the city was owned by the Hungarian kings of the Arpadovich dynasty, who launched their military campaigns against Galicia from here. In 1141, King Geiza II moved the Saxons, the Sasians, from across the Rhine to the city, which was tired of the constant “tours” of the Polovtsians. Since then, the town was called Lampertsas. The settlers from Saxony were granted a number of privileges: the right to move freely, to use the forest, and, since 1247, to trade freely on Saturdays.

It was the Saxons who allegedly established the tradition of growing vines in the town, and also began to mine gold in Muzhiyevo, a few kilometres from Beregovo.

In 1284, a new name for the town appeared for the first time – “Berehsas”. In the Middle Ages, Beregsas was a large city: from 1247 it had the status of a royal city, and in 1271 it became the centre of a zhupanat (county). In 1342, the Hungarian King Ludwig granted Beregsas the status of a royal city and even the right to execute the death penalty, which was quite rare at the time. Later, the city received the right to use a seal. The administrative and judicial body of Beregsas was the council consisting of the starosta and 15 councillors elected by the wealthy bourgeoisie from a list approved by the governor of the dominion. In the charter of 1499, the town was officially named Beregsas after the comitatus Bereg, the centre of which it became in 1271. The town of Beregsas was obliged to provide food to the royal court. Every year, the townspeople sent two loaded carts of tribute to the capital, Buda.

In its history, the long-suffering city has been devastated several times: in 1566, by the Crimean Tatars, and later by the Polish Reitarians. In 1657, the Transylvanian prince Derd II Rakoczy declared war on Poland, but the Poles, having concluded a treaty with the Crimean Khan’s troops, won. On 17 July 1657, Polish soldiers entered Beregsas without meeting any resistance. The population took refuge in the church building. Hetman Lubomirski’s soldiers pogromised the town, and then covered the church building with brushwood and set it on fire. Most people suffocated from the smoke. And on the smoky wall, the hetman gave an order to write in Latin: “Vicem pro vice redo tibi, bone vicine!”, which means: “An eye for an eye, I have paid my debt, dear neighbour!”

The residents of Beregovo are proud of the fact that the anti-Habsburg uprising of 1703-1711 “broke out” in the Beregovo district. The rebels, who were villagers, marched on Beregsas, defeating a detachment of Zupan soldiers on their way, and on 22 May 1703, the rebel leader Tomas Esse unfurled the flag of the rebel prince Ferenc II Rakoczy on the town’s fairgrounds. After the defeat of the uprising, the town was classified as a rebellious one, and in 1728 it and its surroundings were given to the counts of Schönborn.

Due to constant wars and uprisings, Beregsas remained a small provincial town. After another fire in 1880, it received a government loan, which allowed it to pave the streets.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Beregsas was part of Czechoslovakia. In the autumn of 1938, it briefly became part of the autonomous Subcarpathian Rus. However, already on 2 November 1938, by the decision of the Vienna Arbitration Court, Beregsas was transferred to Hungary. On 26 October 1944, the city was liberated from the Nazi occupiers by the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front. In 1946, the town became a district centre in the Transcarpathian region of the Ukrainian SSR and was renamed the Beregovo. Since 2001, Beregovo has been a city of regional subordination in the Transcarpathian region of independent Ukraine.

Temperature in Beregovo now:

-1.0o C   |   30.2o F

Map of attractions in Beregovo

Rest in the thermal waters of Beregovo

Спортивна база «Закарпаття»

Many guests of the city come to Beregovo to improve their health in the waters of the 50-metre-long geothermal pool on the territory of the Transcarpathia sports centre. The mineralised thermal water is supplied through boreholes 1680 metres deep. The outdoor pool can be used all year round, as the 30-degree water is suitable for swimming even in winter. Bathing in such water treats diseases of the skin, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Nearby there is a freestyle ski jump, a sports ground, a rehabilitation centre, and a sauna. In addition, there is a hotel at the centre. The prices for visiting the thermal pool are the cheapest in Beregovo. For more information about the conditions of visiting the pool, please call +38 (095) 492-20-21.

Термальні басейни "Жайворонок"

The complex was opened relatively recently – in 2003. Therefore, it is a good alternative to old sanatoriums. Thanks to its modern design and high standards of service, you are guaranteed comfortable living conditions. The complex’s swimming pools are filled with thermal water from 1200 m deep wells. The water in the pools is completely renewed in 1-3 days. The water from the wells has a temperature of 56-58°C and is cooled to a comfortable temperature of 25-40°C before entering the pools. The newly produced underground thermal water is transparent, but when it interacts with oxygen, it turns brown, as if rusty. The specific smell of thermal waters is due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide in their composition, which is oxidised and immediately decomposes upon reaching the surface.

The thermal waters in the Zhayvoronok complex are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as obesity, diabetes mellitus, gout, sinusitis, and bronchial asthma. Prices here are moderate. A whole day in the pool for an adult will cost 400 UAH.

The outskirts of the city are the warmest places in the Transcarpathian region. The climate is favourable for growing tobacco, peaches and grapes. No wonder many people’s first association with the word “Berehove” is the famous winery that produces “Troianda Zakarpattya” and ” Beregivske”. The plant, which looks more like a romantic castle, is located on the outskirts of the city on Shevchenko Street. A tall tower with a sharp roof, a cosy garden around it. And deep in the ground, there are unique cellars where the temperature is maintained at +12°C all year round. Only official ministers of Bacchus can enter the territory.

What to see in Beregovo?

Костел Воздвиження Святого Хреста

The tallest building in the city is the church on Ferenc Rakoczy Square. This church was built in the 12th century.

The troops of Batu Khan destroyed both the city and the shrine in 1241. However, in 1370, a new Gothic church was built on the same site. The old baroque entrance to the church, which has grown into the ground, has survived to this day. The church’s bell tower once served as an observation post. The gallery for the sick is still there today. In 1846, the church was reconstructed, after which it acquired the features of the pseudo-Gothic style.

In front of the main portal of the church is a bronze bust of King Istvan the Holy (997-1038), the founder of the Hungarian state.

Графський двір або палац Бетлена в Берегово

Behind the cathedral, in the shade of chestnut trees, there is another landmark of Beregovo – the Count’s Yard. This is a long one-storey mansion of the Transylvanian Prince Gabor Betlen (1629). Transylvanian Prince Gabor Betlen was an outstanding personality in the history of Hungary, he fought for the unification of the Hungarian kingdom and tried to liberate it from the Turks and Germans. In 1620, he was even elected Hungarian king, but he refused to be crowned, instead receiving the title of Duke of the Holy Roman Empire and seven eastern comitates, including the Bereg comitate. Nowadays, there is an amateur museum of local lore in four halls (director Ivan Shepa), which can be visited for a nominal fee.

The former stables and granary have also been preserved.

Будівля колишнього імперського суду в Берегово

A walk through the old city centre is a must in the programme of a visit to Berehove. On Koshuta Square (formerly Verbevtsia Square), a huge building of the former imperial court (1908) rises among the pretty two-storey villas. Ferenc Jablonsky, the architect, did not restrain his creative impulses: there was even a fencing hall here. Today, the Transcarpathian Hungarian Pedagogical Institute is located here. To the right of the entrance, there is a plaque in honour of Lajos Kossuth, one of the leaders of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849, an honorary citizen of the city.

Лютеранська кірха

Lutheran church

Opposite is the largest church in the city, designed for 1100 believers – the Lutheran church (built in 1775, reconstructed in 1897 and 1922). The church has a working organ made by Rieger (1899). There are three folk choirs at the church.

Будинок культури у Берегові

Beregovo synagogue

Koshut Square in Beregovo is completed by the monumental facade of the House of Culture, an old synagogue building rebuilt in Soviet times. It has a memorial plaque to the victims of the Holocaust. In April 1944, all people of Jewish nationality, about 8,000 people, were driven to the ghetto by Hungarian police, and in May they were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Центральні вулиці і площі Берегова

Central streets and squares of Beregovo

Nearby are Heroiv Square, the former city market, the first city hotel Oroslan (“Lion’s Court”, 17th century), and the Hungarian folk theatre. Sandor Petofi, a Hungarian poet and revolutionary, stayed at the Oroslan Hotel from 12 to 13 July 1847. A relief inscription on the building’s wall testifies to this. Quiet side streets are lined with mansions of the XIX-XX centuries. The city centre is connected to the railway station (built in 1884) by Széchenyi Street. There are many elegant buildings of the late XIX century, including the former Royal and Donat hotels, the Kubovich and Meigs houses.

A Ukrainian gymnasium decorated with memorial plaques, opened in 1895 (4 Stefanyka Street), reminds us that we are still in Ukraine.

On Mukachivska Street, the building of the former gristmill administration (1890s), the Bregovske School of Arts located in the former estate of the businessman Konta (1912) and the house of the Hungarian operetta star Plaste Fedak, which now houses the bishopric of the Transcarpathian Reformed Church, are worth seeing. It is especially pleasant to walk around the city in spring, when sakuras and magnolias are in full bloom.

The most interesting locations in the city and its surroundings

Курган Красуні
Not far from the village of Muzhyievo, Berehove district, Transcarpathian region, next to the Verke river, there is a lonely
Костел Іоанна Хрестителя в селі Кідьош
In the village of Kidosh, there is the Church of St John the Baptist, built in the 14th century on
Музей леквару в селі Ботар
The lekvar museum with a tasting room is located in the village of Botar, Beregovo district. This is one of
Боржавський замок
Borzhava Castle is one of the oldest monuments in Transcarpathia. The history of the legendary fortress can be found in
Руїни Квасівського замку
In the village of Kvasovo, Beregove district, there are ruins of a 12th-century feudal castle built in the Romanesque style.
Затисянський краєзнавчий музей
In the village of Tysobiken, Berehiv District, Transcarpathian Region, there is the Zatysyanskyi Museum of Local Lore, opened in the
Костел Воздвиження Святого Хреста
The tallest building in the city of Berehove is the church on Ferenc Rakoci Square. This temple appeared in the
Графський двір або палац Бетлена в Берегово
Behind the cathedral, in the shade of chestnut trees, there is another landmark of Berehovo - "Grafskyi Dvir". This is
Будівля колишнього імперського суду в Берегово
On Koshuth Square (Verbevtsiya) among the pretty two-story villas, the landmark Berehovo - a huge building of the former imperial
Руїни домініканського костелу
In 3 km. from the town of Berehovo in the direction of Vylok - Vynohradiv, after going around one of
Термальні басейни "Жайворонок"
The whole secret is that the water that fills the pools of the complex comes directly from wells 1,200 m
Державний термальний басейн у Берегово
Thermal springs in the area of the city of Berehovo, in the very south of Transcarpathian Region, are very rare
Озеро Дідове (Дийда)
In the summer, Dyida Lake is a favorite vacation spot for Transcarpathians and guests of the region. A sailing center

Interesting excursions around Beregovo

There are many excursion options in the immediate vicinity of Beregovo.

If your goal is to improve your health, you should pay attention to the healing power of the local thermal waters. Geologists have proved that almost under the entire territory of Beregovo district, at a depth of 800 metres, there is a thermal sea that breaks through to the earth’s surface with springs with water temperatures ranging from +18 to +80°C. Almost all of the 1,000 springs discovered in the area are flint thermal springs. The main thermal water reserves of the Transcarpathia region are concentrated in Berehove district. Currently, 52 drilling wells are in operation and 4 large springs have been developed: Beregovo (Transcarpathia sanatorium), Kosonske (Kosyno sanatorium), Ivanivka (swimming pool) and Borzhava (Borzhava recreation centre).

The best option for the thermal waters of Beregovo district is of course Kosyno. Recreation here is organised to the highest standards. In addition to the thermal pools in Kosyno, there is a huge modern aquapark.

If you want to soak up the sun on a sandy beach, then very close to the town of Berehove is the large Lake Dyida, where, according to legend, there is a monster similar to the Loch Ness monster.

An interesting excursion for children will be a trip to «Dinopark in the village of Yanoshi. The design was based on the experience of similar amusement parks in Slovakia and the USA. The Dinosaur Park in Janosice has 30 exhibits, 20 of which are dinosaurs, placed along an 800-metre long walkway. Their figures are created in life-size proportions, they are movable and make different sounds. The most important exhibit is a huge living dinosaur that moves around.

The surroundings of Beregovo are extremely interesting for nature lovers and hikers. The forests of Beregovo district are home to hares, squirrels, muskrats, weasels, pheasants, quail, and owls. Ant farms are protected in the Gati reserve, and turtles are protected in the Atak reserve.

Fishing enthusiasts are also fond of Beregovo region. Due to the lack of agricultural land, the huge Black Mochar swamp (14,000 hectares) has been drained since 1878. Today, it is almost completely drained, and in its place there is now a cascade of reservoirs and ponds where carp, crucian carp, and white cupid are bred. It was in Beregovo district, near the village of Borzhava, that the world’s largest freshwater fish was caught: A 36-year-old three-metre catfish weighing 230 kilograms. It happened in 1970. In the same year, a 70-kilogram pike with a length of 2.5 metres was caught near the village of Borzhavske.

Fans of historical monuments and antiquities should visit unique wooden and stone churches and their ruins in the villages Chetfalva, Kidesh, Geten and Muzhiyevo, or visit the Museum of Weaving in the village of Velyki Beregy. In addition, you can explore the mysterious ruins of two medieval castles at the same time: Borzhava and Kvasovo.

Leisure activities for adults and children

Tours and excursions

Where to stay in Beregovo?

There are many interesting options for tourists to stay in Beregovo and the surrounding settlements. Among them are fashionable hotels and sanatorium complexes, mini-hotels, hostels, as well as private sector with a variety of accommodation options in cosy manors.

For thermal water lovers, the Zhayvoronok Hotel is a good option, located on the territory of the health resort of the same name. The wonderful comfortable rooms are equipped with everything you need for a cosy holiday. The room rate includes a hearty breakfast. Prices for accommodation here start from 950 UAH per night for a Standard room.

Those who want to be closer to the city centre can choose the Zolota Pava Hotel. This hotel is located in the centre of Beregovo in a historic building of a former casino in the centre. The interior is decorated in Art Nouveau style and its luxurious halls with high ceilings are decorated with stained glass windows. Room rates start from 800 UAH per night.

A budget option for families with children is the Mapa estate. It offers barbecue facilities and free Wi-Fi. There is a playground for children. A shared kitchen is available for guests. The front desk is open around the clock. Prices for accommodation are only 500 UAH per night.

Another budget option is the hotel at the Transcarpathia Sports Centre. For more information on prices and conditions of accommodation, please call (099) 184 24 94.

Готель «ФКока»
St. 61, Muzhayska, Berehove
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Hotel "Villa Fenix"
St. B. Khmelnytskoho, 83, Berehove
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
Садиба «Турул»
St. Koryatovycha, 2B, Berehove
+380 ....
from 900₴/day
Готель «Villa Eden DeLux»
St. Shevchenko, 12, Yanoshi
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Мотель «Ріта»
St. Mikesha, 3, Berehove
+380 ....
from 500₴/day
Готель «Praktik»
St. B. Khmelnytskogo, 101, Berehove
+380 ....
from 500₴/day
Готель «Золота Пава»
Berehove, Rakotsi square, 1
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
Готель «Жайворонок»
Berehovo, str. Shevchenko, 112
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
Вілла «Писанка» (Велика Бийгань)
village of Velyka Byihan
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Садиба «Villa Vera» (Берегове)
1A Koryatovycha St., Beregovo
+380 ....
from 700₴/day
Апартаменти "Лізак" (Берегове)
37 Novyi Bazar St., Beregovo
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
Садиба «АДЕЛЬ» (Берегово)
27 Koryatovycha St., Beregovo
+380 ....
from 300₴/person
Садиба «Турул»
St. Koryatovycha, 2B, Berehove
+380 ....
from 900₴/day
Вілла «Canada»
St. Zh. Moritsa, 93, Kidesh
+380 ....
from 2000₴/day
Котеджі «FrenchTown»
St. Shevchenko, 130, Berehove
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day
St. Mukachivska, 76, Berehove
+380 ....
from 400₴/day
Садиба «Мапа» у Берегове
St. Molodizhna, 29, Berehove
+380 ....
from 450₴/day

Where to eat?

Transcarpathia is famous not only for its attractions, magnificent nature and healing thermal waters, but also for its exquisite local cuisine with a variety of national dishes.

The restaurant “Zolota Pava”, located at the hotel of the same name, serves delicious food. Here you can taste delicious dishes of traditional Ukrainian, Transcarpathian, Hungarian and European cuisine. This restaurant is a real historical landmark of Beregovo.

Fans of Hungarian cuisine will be delighted with the Charda Paprika restaurant. It serves the most delicious bograch in the city, the taste of which you will never forget.

And for those who like original restaurants, an interesting option is the restaurant located in the underground wine cellar “Practik”. Here you can not only taste delicious dishes, but also taste extraordinary local wines.

Кав'ярня-кондитерська «Мазанка» (Берегове)
13 B. Khmelnytskoho St., Beregovo
+380 ....
Ресторан «Практик» (Берегове)
101, B. Khmelnytskoho St., Beregovo
+380 ....
Ресторан «Чарда Паприка» (Берегове)
3 Koryatovycha St., Beregovo
+380 ....
Ресторан «Золота Пава» (Берегове)
1, Ferenc Rakoczy Square, Beregovo
+380 ....

Where is Beregovo and how to get there?

The town of Beregovo is located on the border with Hungary. It is only 5 kilometres to the international checkpoint between Ukraine and Hungary, Luzhanka.

Berehove can be conveniently reached by rail. To do this, you can use trains from Kyiv and Lviv, as well as suburban services from Mukachevo and Uzhgorod.

By car, you can get here by driving along the European motorway E54.

In addition, buses from Mukachevo bus stations regularly arrive in Beregovo, Vynogradiv and Uzhgorod.