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Cafe in Uzhgorod

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 10.02.2024 at 9:41 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

After visiting the city of Uzhgorod for a full experience, we recommend trying the masterpieces of national cuisine.
The assortment is diverse, because in these regions there is a rich symbiosis of exquisite dishes. Here, in addition to Ukrainian, Romanian, Czech and Hungarian national dishes are widely represented: “banosh, bograch, dumplings, etc.”
And all this can be ordered in any cafe, depending on your location. Addresses, contacts and points on the map in full on the site in a convenient way.
For your children there are special dishes in every cafe, restaurant.
In Uzhgorod there are all kinds of cafes, from vegetarian to fast food, and of course national and local dishes.
Pleasantly surprised by the quality of coffee and desserts. Especially famous is the Uzhgorod branded cake , which can please family and friends, this cake is already a business card of Uzhgorod.

Temperature in Uzhgorod now

-0.7o C   |   30.7o F

Traveling in Transcarpathia and looking for a place to eat in Uzhgorod? We have made the top establishments. Many of them have been tested by us personally, and some have long been recognized by tourists. This includes the best restaurants in Uzhgorod, cafes and bars. They are suitable for lunch with children, a snack or dinner with friends. We will tell you where good coffee is brewed and where you can save on a business lunch. And of course, do not forget about the Carpathian cuisine. After all, in Transcarpathia you can not try dumplings, lecho, liquor and other special dishes. We will talk about traditional establishments and local exotics. Experience the Carpathians with Go-To.Rest!

Uzhgorod is an ancient city founded in the 9th century. Tourists love it for its ancient history, cozy center and green promenades. In addition, it is known for Transcarpathian cuisine. We will tell you where to eat in Uzhgorod.

A selection of the best cafes in Uzhgorod

Ресторан «Камелот» біля Ужгорода
28 Uzhanska St., Kamyanytsia village
+380 ....
Корчма «Деца у нотаря»
street of Karpatska Ukraina, 98, Uzhgorod
+380 ....
Бістро-паб «Годинка» в Ужгороде
Uzhgorod, Independence embankment, 2
+380 ....
Vegetarian eco-cafe "Yasne Sonechko"
Uzhgorod, Mynayska Street, 6A
+380 ....
Кондитерське кафе Штефаньо в Ужгороді
Uzhgorod, Dukhnovycha Street, 16
+380 ....
Кафе Кактус в Ужгороде
Uzhgorod, 7 Korzo Street
+380 ....

All cafes and restaurants on the map

All services in the region

Accommodation nearby

Лісовий готель «Тихий кут» у Гуті
6 Prykordonna St., Huta village
+380 ....
from 750₴/day
готель ужгород
Shandora Petefi Square, 4-6, Uzhgorod
+380 ....

temporarily closed
emerald hotel
Malokamyana street, 10, Uzhgorod
+380 ....

from 1100 ₴/night
Кімната Гоголь 14
вул. Миколи Гоголя, 14, Ужгород
+380 ....

від 999 ₴/ніч

Tours and excursions

Одноденна екскурсія в Кошице
17 hours
From 2300 ₴
Одноденна екскурсія у Будапешт
18 hours
From 3900 ₴
middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Міні-скульптура «Карпатія»
2 or 3 hours
From 750 ₴
climbing the hoverla
18 hours
From 1690 ₴
Палац-резиденція баронів Перені
1 day (10 hours)
From 700 ₴
blue lagoon
10 hours
From 600 ₴
excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴
middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Чаны у Цимбора (с. Лумшори)
1 day (8 hours)
From 600 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
voivodship waterfall
1 day (10 hours)
From 600 ₴
uzhan valley
10 hours
From 700 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
тур похід
4 days / 3 nights
From 4200 ₴
дегустаційний тур по закарпаттю
4 days / 3 nights
From 3999 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴
ужгород в сакурах
2 days / 1 night
From 1571 ₴
three-day equestrian tour to the carpathians
3 days / 2 nights
From 5600 ₴
bicycle tour of uzhgorod
3 hours
From 85 ₴
excursion to the night city of uzhgorod
3 hours (on request)
From 1800 ₴

Leisure nearby

«Світ Велетнів» в центрі Ужгорода
Uzhhorod, Bozdosh Park (Slovyanska naberezhna, 31)
+380 ....
Rope park
Uzhgorod, Park of Culture and Leisure Podzamkovy
+380 ....
Bicycle rental "Velofan" in Uzhgorod
Uzhgorod, 9B Generala Svobody Street
+380 ....
Bicycle rental Uzhgorod
Uzhgorod, st. Transcarpathian, 45
+380 ....

Features of local cuisine

Uzhgorod borders Slovakia, so it is often called the Ukrainian window to Europe. The local cuisine is unusual, it has preserved Ukrainian, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian and other features. Such a concentration of traditions of different countries is a rarity for Europe.

Dishes – business cards of Uzhgorod

In Uzhgorod restaurants there are different variations of the same recipes. Be sure to try and find your favorite!

  • Bograch is the most famous dish of Transcarpathia. This is a Hungarian shepherd’s goulash in a cauldron. It consists of several types of meat, vegetables and spices, served in black bread. Hearty, real bograch is cooked only here.
  • Banosh and tokan are Ukrainian corn porridges. The first is prepared on cream, and the second on water. Served with cracklings, mushrooms and homemade sheep cheese. The most exotic option is cooking on an open fire, as in the old days.
  • Hombovtsi is a local dessert. These are cheese balls filled with cheese, fruit and other sweets. They are sprinkled with sweet corn crumbs, their taste is difficult to compare with anything. It is soft and creamy with fresh fruit notes.



The most popular hot meat dish is bograch, which Hungarians have been cooking since the time of crossing the Carpathians to Pannonia. Bograch – (first course) is a thick mixture of meat, mushrooms, onions, peppers, garlic and other ingredients. It is cooked in a cauldron on an open fire (even the name indicates this: in Hungarian “cauldron” – “bogracs”). According to legend, the Hungarians heavily peppered their dishes during the Turkish wars so that enemies could not eat what was cooked. Turks have not threatened the peace of Transcarpathians for a long time, and the tradition of adding a lot of pepper to food has remained.



The main dishes of both Latin American and Alpine Indians and Transcarpathian highlanders are made from beans, potatoes, corn, cheese and meat. Yes, Hutsuls cook banush porridge from corn, and Italians cook polenta. There are, of course, slight differences in recipes, but their main feature is the ease of preparation and preservation required for long-term storage of the small set of products that can be obtained in harsh mountain climates. For this purpose, for example, the Swiss dry meat and Transcarpathians smoke.

Frogs' legs

Жабячі лапки

The village of Turia Remeta is famous for its French culinary traditions. The village café serves frog legs and turtle soup. The fact is that in the first half of the XIX century in the village were captured French soldiers of Napoleon’s army. Most of them were amazed by the beauty of the Carpathians and our girls started families here and stayed in Transcarpathia forever.

We have named only a few dishes, but in local cafes you will find others: dumplings, perkelt, rokot-krumpli. Recipes are often unique and stored by the owners of institutions, passed down through the generations.
Another local pride is wine and cognac. The fruits are harvested in local vineyards. Local varieties are soft, mostly dessert. Autumn is the season of grape harvest, come here at this time for young wines, or for the celebration of young wine.

Transcarpathian wines

Закарпатські вина

Transcarpathian unique climate contributed to the ancient masters of the vine. In Transcarpathia, with its warm sunny summers, mild winters, fertile soil, relief, everything seems to be deliberately created for planting vines.

Transcarpathian cognacs

Закарпатські коньяки

Transcarpathian vintage cognacs “Tysa”, “Uzhgorod” and “Karpaty” are known all over the world. Ordinary cognacs “Three Stars”, “Five Stars”, “Transcarpathian”, “Nevytsky Castle” and “Beskydy” are equally popular. Their production is a fairly young branch of winemaking in Transcarpathia. It was founded in 1959 in the village of Velyki Lazy, Uzhgorod district, where the first batch of cognac alcohol was poured into oak barrels.

More interesting cafes in Uzhgorod

Advantages Restaurant
Traditional Transcarpathian dishes Komitat Ung
A historic building with an unusual atmosphere Hungarian court
A wine museum with a huge collection of wines Wine house Alfeld
The most delicious confectionery products Confectionery cafe Stefanyo
Delicious and inexpensive food Bistro-pub “Hodynka”

Where to try all this?

Here is a selection of interesting cafes in Uzhgorod with local exotics. There are many more, take a walk on the main streets, go to one of the courtyards. There will definitely be an institution with the right atmosphere.

  • Komitat Ung is a restaurant stylized as a medieval inn. Traditional Transcarpathian dishes are prepared here. The building itself is interesting: in these cellars there was a beer hall in the 17th century. You can just come on a tour.
  • Uhorskyj dvir courtyard is another historic building. Slightly less ancient – built in 1870. It is located on Kapitulna Street, which leads to Uzhgorod Castle. It is prepared only from fresh local products, no frost.
  • The Alfeld Wine House is a wine museum on Kapitulna Street.. There are about 170 types of wine in the cellars, most of them Transcarpathian and Hungarian.

Maybe something less exotic?

Still, such miracles are more for an amateur. Therefore, we publish a selection of cafes with more familiar food of Uzhgorod, where you can eat cheaply.

  • Cafe Cactus – Corso Street, 7
  • Stefanio Confectionery Cafe – 16 Dukhnovycha Street
  • Bistro Pub “Godynka” – Independence Embankment, 2

Uzhgorod is worth a visit for lovers of wine and gastro tourism. Restaurants here will be for connoisseurs of different cuisines, and everything will be prepared sensibly, according to family traditions.

Travel comfortably with Go-To.Rest!

Where to eat deliciously in Uzhgorod
Delicious cakes can be tasted in the confectionery cafe "Shtefanyo", and a quick and tasty meal - in the bistro-pub "Godynka"
The best restaurants in Uzhgorod
The best and most interesting restaurants in the city are the Komitat Ung restaurant, stylized as a medieval tavern, the Uhorskuj dvir Historical Building, and in the Alfeld Wine House wine museum you can taste Transcarpathian and Hungarian wines.
Where to eat cheap in Uzhgorod
In the cafe "Cactus" and Bistro-pub "Godynka" you can have a tasty and inexpensive meal
Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.