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Bukovel is a stunning modern resort of world-class quality and development. Bukovel is located near the small mountain village Polyanytsia, which is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region very close to the Zakarpattia region at an altitude of 920 meters above sea level in the middle of the Gorgani mountain range. It began its work as a world-class resort about 10 years ago and immediately became extremely popular among holidaymakers in the Carpathians. There is everything you need for recreation at any time of the year. In winter, Bukovel is primarily a ski resort. In the summer in Bukovel, you can have a wonderful break from the heat, enjoying the local unsurpassed nature.


The possibilities for entertainment in the warm season are just as impressive as in the winter. Every year, the resort offers a growing list of various entertainment for tourists and works to improve their quality. Despite the high prices for vacations, the extraordinary quality of service made the Bukovel resort one of the most popular in all of Europe.

Temperature in Bukovel now:

2.6o C   |   36.6o F

Bukovel on the map

History of the village of Polyanytsia

The first written mention of the village of Polyanytsia dates back to 1820. In the early 1900s, Prince Liechtenstein showed great interest in the small mountain village. He acquired many estates in the village and received the right to hunt. He allocated funds for the construction of a church in the village. The Church of the Introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos was completed in 1912. Unfortunately, the church has not survived to this day, as it was burned down by the German invaders in 1942. A small church was immediately built, and in 1990 a new large church was built in Polyanytsia, which was also timed to the feast of the Introduction to the Church of the Holy Mother of God. The burials of Austrian soldiers who died in the battles of the First World War have been preserved near this church.

The history of the name of the village is interesting. Once it was called Polyanytsia-Popovichivska, because it was owned by a man named Popovych. Until 2008, the village was called Palyanitsa. According to one version, the current name Polyanytsia comes from the word polonin, according to another, it means a burnt place.

The most destructive period for the village was the Second World War. Then the German occupiers destroyed the church, the school and most of the residential buildings. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the end of the war, about 40 of the 300 inhabitants remained. But the troubles of the local residents did not end there. Immediately after the war, residents of Polyanytsia became victims of Stalinist repressions. The surviving houses of local residents were dismantled, and people were deported to the Odesa region. Due to the small population, the village was joined to the neighboring Yablunytsia.

The revival of the village began after Stalin’s death. Yes, in the 1950s of the XX century. the building of the former German bath was converted into a junior school.

The rapid development of Polyanytsia began after Ukraine gained independence. Thus, in 1994, the local primary school was expanded and turned into a general education school of grades I-III.

Today, about 700 people live in the village, it has the status of a mountain and is classified as a resort. But when winter comes, the population increases many times. Thanks to the Bukovel resort, tourism has become the basis of life in the village of Polyanytsia.

History of Bukovel resort

The very name of this popular resort comes from the nearby Bukovets mountain and the name of the world-famous French ski resort of Courchevel.

The history of Bukovel began at the Millennium Mass in 2000. It was in this year that an agreement was signed between Skorzonera LLC and Horizont AL to create a year-round tourist and recreational complex. Representatives of leading foreign companies, including the Austrian company Plan-Alp and the Canadian Ecosign, were involved in the creation of the master plan of the resort.

The construction and expansion of the resort took place at a very fast pace. So, already at the end of 2001, the first cable car of the complex was opened – a 691 m long stretch on the northern slope of Bukovets Mountain.

Nowadays, Bukovel has become a powerful recreation, physical education, and sports center, which receives about 2 million tourists every year. After the annexation of Crimea, the Artek children’s camp was temporarily relocated to Bukovel.

Bukovel as a ski resort

The area of the Bukovel resort is characterized by a mild climate, so skiing here is very comfortable and convenient. The advantages of the resort include the presence of a huge number of different tracks, the stability of the snow cover in winter and good protection from strong winds.

Nowadays, this world-famous ski complex is considered the best sports recreation place in Ukraine. Numerous tourists from all over the world seek to get to Bukovel. You can learn more about skiing vacations in Bukovel at the following link https://go-to.rest/location/transcarpathia/bukovel/hornolyzhnyi-kurort/

Зимовий відпочинок у Буковелі

Winter recreation is not only skiing

In Bukovel in winter, tourists can not only take full advantage of the excellent equipment of the slopes, but also enjoy a large number of local entertainment.

Here you can get the joy of snow tubing, ice skating, snowmobiles or dog sledding, enjoy a game of hockey, relax in the club, get incredible relaxation in the spa or sauna, or engage in fitness or visit the gym.

Відпочинок влітку у Буковелі

And what to do in the summer?

In addition to winter recreation, Bukovel is also a great place for tourists in the warm season. This is an ideal time and place for hiking in the mountains along convenient hiking routes, rafting in fast mountain rivers. Also, in the summer, you should visit the ethnopark “Hutsul Land”, take a ride on the toboggan run and trolley, and visit the local karting center.

The most interesting entertainment and excursions in Bukovel

Етнопарк "Гуцул Ленд"

Ethnopark “Hutsul Land” helps to get to know the traditional life and lifestyle of the highlanders of the Ukrainian Carpathians: Hutsuls, Boyks and Lemks. The complex combines various areas for recreation and entertainment.

One of the main locations of the ethnopark is the Skansen (an open-air ethnographic museum). Unlike most other ordinary museums, it is interactive with guests. Tourists can not only visit the traditional house, which was built more than 200 years ago, but also feel the atmosphere of a traditional Carpathian village by sitting on a bench and

watching how burn a fire in the oven, grind wheat flour in millstones, make a path on a real loom, watch the cheese making process in a cheese factory and even take part in a theatrical performance of a Hutsul wedding!

In addition, on the territory of the ethnopark, you can visit the contact zoo with domestic, exotic and wild animals and birds.

Visitors are allowed to approach them, chat and even make friends. A whole firework of amazing emotions is guaranteed not only for children, but also for adults. They will bring home touching pictures, and their love for the inhabitants of the reserve will remain in their hearts forever.

On the territory of the ethnopark there are creative workshops and educational workshops, where you can see with your own eyes or learn the secrets of folk crafts yourself.

For those who want to take unforgettable photos in Hutsul Land, there are original photo zones.

In the ethnopark, you should also visit the “Skrynia” art gallery, equipped with areas for recreation, entertainment, and a Ukrainian film club with world names.

The most valuable attraction of the ethnopark is the presence of unique monuments of folk wooden architecture of the 19th – early XX century, which were carefully disassembled and transported from remote villages of the Ukrainian Carpathians. One of the oldest masterpieces of folk architecture is represented by a wooden house from the village of Rozhanka, Lviv region, built in 1860-80. It was miraculously preserved thanks to the efforts of the last owner, Petr Bakhur. The Hutsul hut of wealthy shepherds from the village of Vorokhta from the end of the 19th century and a closed-type grazhda building are also extremely valuable museum exhibits.

In all the wooden houses of the ethnopark, the authentic interior is reproduced in detail with household items and works of folk art, which conveys the unique atmosphere, traditions and spirit of that time.

Prices for visiting the ethnopark are affordable. Full ticket costs UAH 250. Children up to 12 years old, pensioners and ATO participants can visit for UAH 200, while children up to 6 years old and forced migrants can visit for free.



Bukovel has a lot of entertainment for active and extreme recreation at any time of the year. One of the most interesting attractions in this regard is a visit to the all-weather toboggan run of the German company “Wigand”, which is located next to the upper station of lift No. 2. Thanks to steep bends, turns and jumps, visitors to the toboggan run have an incredible experience. In addition, it is possible to independently adjust the speed of the sled. Some sleds accommodate one or two passengers.

The track of this attraction has a decent length – as much as 1500 meters, of which the speed descent is 1000 meters. The height difference is 170 meters. Rodelban sleds are equipped with a braking system, thanks to which it is possible to maintain a precisely set speed and distance, which, with skillful management, helps to achieve high safety standards.

The price for visiting the rodelban for one person is 600 hryvnias, and for a tandem (total weight no more than 150 kg) – 900 hryvnias.

Тролей у Буковелі


Another extreme entertainment in Bukovel is the trolley. It is represented by a high-speed descent on a roller along a steeply inclined cable.

The duration of the flight on the trolley is 100 seconds. During this time, it will be possible to overcome a solid distance of 1130 meters from the top of Mount Bukovel to the roof of parking lot #2 in the very center of the resort with a height difference of 190 meters.

In addition, troll visitors are provided with the opportunity to videotape their flight

with the help of the “Go pro” action camera and offer great photos to remember. The trolleybus in Bukovel has 3 lines, and it is among the 10 longest in Europe and the longest in Ukraine!

Prices for trolleys are 500 hryvnias. for an adult, 700 UAH. by tandem (adult up to 100 kg + child up to 30 kg, total weight up to 130 kg). The cost of a video is UAH 200, and a photo is UAH 150.

Children heavier than 30 kg (regardless of age) can ride independently.

Картинг-центр «Жага швидкості»

Karting center “Thirst for speed»

If you haven’t had enough adrenaline from riding a toboggan run or a trolley and you like racing, the wonderful karting center “Thirst for Speed” is at your service in Bukovel. The length of the track is approximately 500 meters, with an average width of 6 meters. One lap can be completed in an average of 42 seconds. At the service of visitors are 10 excellent karts with a capacity of 9 horsepower. The track is equipped with an electronic timing system.

Prices for visiting the karting center are 450 hryvnias. in 10 minutes for an adult and 350 UAH. in 10 minutes for children. Every second race can be purchased for only half price.

Сусідні пам'ятки: Буковель

Neighboring attractions

Near “Bukovel” there is a picturesque reserve, a unique Carpathian museum of miniatures (the city of Yaremche), Lake of Youth, as well as Yablunytsia and Yaremeche sports complexes.

Vacationers will be able to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls Zhenetsky Guk, Probij and Sheshorsky Huk and Dovbush rock, get to know the architectural perfection church in Delyatyn, etc.

It is a must, at least once in your life, to climb Mount Hoverlu and the peaks of Gorgan.

Only from here you can fully see the stunning beauty of Transcarpathia and Prykarpattia from a bird’s eye view.

Чани у Буковелі

In Bukovel, there are many offers of great swimming in the baths. They are usually large cast iron tanks with a capacity of up to two thousand liters and are able to serve 5 or more people.

The boiler is filled with clean water from local sources. Then medicinal plants are added there and heated over an open fire. Local healing herbs retain their properties even with prolonged heating for an hour, when the temperature gradually rises to the 45-degree mark. As a result, the decoction releases biologically active substances and trace elements.

After a person’s body is warmed up, it is advisable to quickly dive into the ice pool. Such a procedure instantly helps to forget about depression, care, tension, fatigue and boredom.

“Bukovel vats” cure from:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Muscle inflammation.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory tract.
  4. Skin diseases.
  5. Respiratory infections.
  6. Old injuries.
  7. Stress, etc.

According to the reviews of tourists, there are no contraindications for bathing in tanks. On the contrary, it effectively improves the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Поїздки та походи у Буковелі

Travels and hiking

Every traveler who has come to Bukovel must look at the Museum of Hutsul Oblast, built according to the traditions of ancient architecture without the use of nails, in the city of Verkhovyna. It is especially graceful under the snow cover.

In winter, accompanied by experienced guides, it is recommended to go on excursions to neighboring areas. Anyone will be amazed to see the Orthodox Manyava Hermitage with elements of a citadel, built at the beginning of the 17th century. And the neighborhood of the famous “Blessed stone” promotes cleansing from bad thoughts and enlightenment.

A trip to Kamianets-Podilskyi and Khotyn will delight lovers of ancient architecture. During a pleasant winter walk, stone castles with pointed roofs awaken dreams of ancient times.

Those who came to the resort should visit Kolomyia with its European flavor. In combination with Ukrainian classics, the city will give tourists unique impressions.

Among the sights, travelers should visit the local history exposition, monasteries and cathedrals, as well as the “Pysanka” painted egg museum.

Інші розваги в Буковелі

Other entertainment

For vacationers in Bukovel, everything that a vacationer needs is provided. There is:

  • heated swimming pools;
  • cable car;
  • paragliding flights;
  • horse trekking;
  • saunas;
  • thermal springs, etc.

Excursions to interesting locations in Transcarpathia

The most interesting places

Tours and excursions

Екстремальний джип-тур “Повний круг”
3 hours
From 4500 ₴
Джипінг в Карпатах
4 hours
From 5500 ₴
Джип тури Карпатами
2 hours
From 2500 ₴
Джип-тур “Стеришора”
3 hours
From 3500 ₴
Джип-тур “Русанівка”
3 hours
From 3000 ₴
Гуцульське весілля в Прикарпатті
3 days / 2 nights
From 2740 ₴

Where to stay

In winter, Bukovel experiences an influx of tourists, so you need to take care of housing in advance. There is:

  • rest centers;
  • guest houses;
  • hotels;
  • manors;
  • private sector, etc.

Most establishments offer services at the level of three stars.

For those who came to Bukovel, the exits are of decisive importance when choosing the optimal cost of housing. The closer it is to the complex, the higher the price of services. Therefore, many travelers prefer to settle at some distance, preferring to walk to the complex on foot.

An even cheaper option can be found in nearby settlements Mykulychyn, Tatariv or Yaremche. The tracks (Bukovel), of course, are a little far from them, but vacationers save a significant amount, which they then spend on skiing pleasures.

But staying in cottages designed for a whole family or a large company brings them special pleasure. It provides for the presence of a kitchen, a bathroom, comfortable furniture and many other amenities.

It is worth giving examples of hotels where vacationers usually prefer to stay.

Guest house Ra is located in the immediate vicinity of the slopes. There are rooms for non-smokers. In the morning, guests are provided with a continental breakfast. And after a whole day of sports pleasures, they have fun in:

  1. Children’s play space under the roof and outside.
  2. Cinema halls.
  3. Rooms for board games, etc.

Hotel HeRICH includes a balcony, cable TV and a shared lounge. The restaurant serves a buffet breakfast.

The “Zdybanka” building is located very close to the ski lift. There is a bar, swimming pool, free Wi-Fi and a restaurant. The rooms have new furniture and modern television.

The Continental Hotel is located next to the slopes. A terrace and a bar are open for guests. The rooms have everything you need for a vacation. Breakfast is served buffet style.

The most interesting housing options

Готель «Imperial» (Буковель)
Vyshnya tract, 158B, Bukovel
+380 ....
from 1600 ₴/night
Готель Family Residence Буковель
Preluky tract, Polyanytsya
+380 ....
from 1600 ₴/night
Готель Continental
with. Polyanytsia, Staishche, 361
+380 ....
from 1600 ₴/day
Готель «Здибанка»
Polyanytsia, st. Vyshnya, 247
+380 ....
from 600 ₴/day
Готель «HeRICH»
St. Podina, 208B, Polyanytsia
+380 ....
from 1305 ₴/day
Приватна садиба (готель) «Ra»
Polyanytsia, Ur. Cherries 160
+380 ....
from 700 ₴/day
Туристичний комплекс «Торба»
Vyshnya tract, 163, p. Glade
+380 ....
from 600 ₴/day
Готель «La Krechunu»
Karpatska street, Polyanytsia village
+380 ....
from 3500 ₴/day
Готель «Лавина»
Rosysh Street, 253, c. Glade
+380 ....
from 720 ₴/day
Міні-готель «Arthotel»
TC "Bukovel", extract No. 5, p. Glade
+380 ....
from 1474 ₴/day

Where to eat deliciously

When traveling to another region, you want to taste something unusual. Some people prefer to cook their own food. Most rely on culinary masterpieces created by local chefs. Therefore, they are faced with the question of where to eat.

In Bukovel, it is not difficult to find a place that offers great food at any time of the day. High-class service, excellent tasty dishes and a luxurious menu add new positive impressions to tourists.

In the very center of the resort, next to the upper station of the ski lift, there is a cafe “Bulchinekha”. Here they serve:

  • aromatic live beer;
  • delicious Ukrainian dishes;
  • Mulled wine;
  • Transcarpathian tea;
  • krucheniki with porcini mushrooms;
  • pork ribs;
  • juicy steak, etc.

A wonderful view of the Carpathian peaks opens from here. If you wish, you can see other interesting places from there.

The “Babyn Bograch” inn reproduces ancient recipes that, according to legend, the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph himself was fond of. Food is prepared over an open fire, and the specialty dishes of the establishment are:

  1. Homemade bread.
  2. Forest mushrooms.
  3. Dairy products from own farms.
  4. Meat delicacies.
  5. Trout.
  6. Berries, etc.

Panoramic bars of Babyn Pohar, Bukovel and Dovga mountains allow vacationers to drink mulled wine or coffee with hearty snacks, look at the surrounding peaks and warm up after the frost.

Restaurant “Kurin” offers the best traditional Ukrainian dishes in an atmosphere of warmth and coziness. Home cooking seems even tastier to holidaymakers in combination with warm hospitality.

Кафе «Бульчиньоха»
Bukovel resort, village Polyanytsia
+380 ....
Корчма Filvarok
Bukovel, 47, Polyanytsia village
+380 ....
Ресторація «Курінь»
Shchyvky tract 2, 79, Bukovel, 21, Polyanytsia
+380 ....
Корчма «Бабин Бограч»
St. Karpatska, village Glade
+380 ....

How to get to Bukovel

It is necessary to tell in detail how to get to Bukovel. It is located next to the famous Yaremche ski complex.

Regular buses and taxis run from Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv to Polyanytsia.

By car, from Ivano-Frankivsk, you need to take the highway to Yaremche and Yablunytsia, from where you should follow the signs to turn to Polyanytsia and Bukovel.

🧡 Vacation in Bukovel will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

Popular questions

What to see in Bukovel?
Usually people go to Bukovel for its impeccable ski resort, but besides that, there are a lot of interesting locations to go to. Among them, the most popular are: ethnopark "Hutsul-Land", Park of Dinosaurs, "Inverted House", Mount Bukovel itself, many waterfalls, as well as the Lake of Youth. In our review of the resort, we have collected the most interesting sights of Bukovel, where you should go.
What to do in Bukovel in winter?
Bukovel is known as the most developed ski resort in Ukraine, it has all the necessary conditions for a good rest. But besides skiing, there is much more: snow tubing, ice skating, snowmobiles and even dog sledding, you can relax in a spa or sauna, or visit local clubs.
What to do in Bukovel in summer?
Recently, Bukovel has been developing a lot as a summer resort. Vacationers can visit many local attractions, such as "Hutsul Land" or the famous rocks of Dovbush. There are also many interesting attractions: go-karting, trolley, roller coaster, etc.
Where is the Bukovel resort?
Bukovel is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region near the village of Polyanytsia, 100 km from Ivano-Frankivsk. The city of Yaremche, 30 km away, can also serve as a landmark.
How to get to Bukovel?
Bukovel is located next to the famous Yaremche ski resort. Regular buses and taxis run from Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv to Polyanytsia. By car, from Ivano-Frankivsk, you need to take the highway to Yaremche and Yablunytsia, from where you should follow the signs to turn to Polyanytsia and Bukovel.

Detailed weather