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Rest in Synevyr

Travelling to the seaside is time-consuming and hassle-free. But there’s no need to spend time at airports and fiddle with passports. There is a place in Ukraine that cannot be compared to any foreign resorts. It is located on Transcarpathia, Lake Synevyr will give tourists a pleasant tan without the scorching tropical sun and help them enjoy the refreshing coolness of a summer day.

Відпочинок у Синевирі

Accommodation near Synevyr

At least once in a lifetime, everyone should visit a popular mountain reservoir. The neighbouring village is always filled with a large number of travellers who want to get to know it. There are many accommodation offers to suit every taste and budget. In general, those who are going to Lake Synevyr, recreation, prices and accommodation will not disappoint.

Hotels near Lake Synevyr

On the site, we have collected the best hotels, are designed for lovers of convenience. Prices here are significantly lower than on most relevant resources. Each accommodation option contains a full range of the most popular services, including daily or long-term accommodation.

Готель «Синевирське озеро»
Synevyrska Polyana village
+380 ....

from 500 ₴/night
Ресторанно-готельний комплекс «Арніка», Міжгір’я
Synevyrska Polyana village, Krasnyi tract
+380 ....

from 1500

Housing in the private sector (Synevyr)

The catalogue also contains many offers from the private sector, that will suit the most demanding holidaymaker. All houses are located in close proximity to infrastructure facilities and are able to provide the best holiday without losing quality. Therefore, those who have chosen Synevyr will find the accommodation to be simply excellent.

For those who prefer space, there are many stunning options cottage. They are a great place to stay with your family or loved one. For any holidaymakers who decide to come to Lake Synevyr, a holiday with a swimming pool will bring much more pleasure than a distant seaside resort.

Садиба «У Софійки» у Синевирській Поляні
Synevyrska Polyana village
+380 ....

from 1000 ₴/night
Гостьовий будинок «У Марічки»
Synevyrska Polyana village, 357б
+380 ....

from 850 ₴/night
Садиба “У Анастасійки”
Synevyr village
+380 ....

from 700 ₴/night
Садиба «Синевирський чардаш»
Synevyr village
+380 ....

from 700 ₴/night

All accommodation options on the map

Description of the area

This body of water is the largest alpine lake in Transcarpathia and the country as a whole. It’s easy to find accommodation near it in the village of Synevyrska Polyana, which is also home to a nature reserve.

The temperature on the Synevyr is now:

-1.2o C   |   29.9o F

Entertainment near Synevyr

Most people come here to admire the lake. It is an exceptionally popular tourist destination because there is no place in the world more beautiful than it.

But there are also many attractions nearby, including the Shypit waterfall (60 km from the lake) or brown bear rehabilitation centre (10 km from Synevyr). Therefore, a holiday by Lake Synevyr will be not only useful but also fun.

The Go-To.Rest travel service provides the most complete data on finding accommodation, food and entertainment in Transcarpathia, so be sure to check out its pages before you go.

The most interesting locations nearby

Річка Теребля
The Tereblya is a right tributary of the Tysa. The river is over 90 km long. During calm periods, the
Теребле-Ріцька гідроелектростанція
On the territory of the Khust district of the Transcarpathian region, near the village of Vilshany, a fabulous picture of
Природний заповідник Горгани
"Gorgany" is a nature reserve in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is located in the southwestern part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region,
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя
Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,

Where can you eat delicious food?

Колиба «Трембіта» біля озера Синевир
Synevyrska Polyana village, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90040
+380 ....
Ресторан «Синевир»
Synevyrska Polyana village, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90040
+380 ....
Колиба «На Децу до Цімбора»
Synevyrska Polyana village, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90040
+380 ....

Tours and excursions

Озеро Синевир
12 hours
From 800 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴

How to get to Synevyr?

If it is most convenient for travellers to go to the resort by train, then you need to focus on the railway station Volovets. On any day except weekends, buses run from here to Mizhhirya, that will take you to the desired location. You can also take a minibus or taxi directly to the lake.

Driving from Kyiv, you should stick to the M-06 motorway to Chop, which goes through the village of Nyzhni Vorota, which is located about 82 km from Lake Synevyr. From Lviv, you need to bypass Volovets and then turn to Mizhhirya. From there, it will be close to the right place. From Ivano-Frankivsk, the road leads through the town of Dolyna.

🧡 A rest on Lake Synevyr will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

Popular questions

What are the prices for housing near Synevyr?
Accommodation in a neighbouring village will cost from 450 UAH for two people and above, depending on the type of accommodation.
What accommodation options near Synevyr do you have in your catalogue?
We offer the best hotels, cottages or private sector. Therefore, those who come to relax on Lake Synevyr will find it easy to rent accommodation.

Detailed weather