A Carpathian chan is a large cauldron heated by a firebox, which is heated with wood. The water is gradually heated to a temperature of 37-45 degrees. Due to the high temperature, toxins are removed from the body through the pores, and the skin becomes smooth and supple.
The healing and preventive effect of bathing in a vat occurs after the first procedure.
The effect is especially noticeable when you visit the vat in the cold season. Just imagine: You breathe in fresh frosty mountain air, and your body basks in hot water soaked in Carpathian herbs.
After steaming, the most daring can use a waterfall bucket with ice water, getting a boost of positive emotions and hardening at the same time. The temperature difference has a positive effect on the human body, rejuvenating the skin.
A visit to the vat will help you forget about stress and apathy, stimulate the cardiovascular system and kidneys, relieve pain in rheumatism, and improve metabolism.
The healing font restores harmonious balance to the body!