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Kosiv Museum of Folk Art and Life of the Hutsul Region

The museum was founded in 1969 by the Kolomyia Museum of Folk Art of Hutsul and Pokuttya named after Y. Kobrynskyi, which decided to open its department in Kosiv.

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Tereble-Rikska hydroelectric power station

On the territory of the Khust district of the Transcarpathian region, near the village of Vilshany, a fabulous picture of the reservoir of the Tereble-Rikska hydroelectric power station (HPP) opens up to the eyes of tourists.

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Transcarpathian Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshai

The Transcarpathian Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshai was founded in 1948. It is located in the building of the former comitat administration (zhupanat), an architectural monument built in 1809 in the style of classicism.

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Transcarpathian Museum of Local Lore named after Tyvodar Lehotskyi

The museum was founded on 20.06.1945 in Uzhgorod. At that time it was called the People’s Museum of Transcarpathian Ukraine and was located in the former zupanat. In June 1946, the museum was reorganised into a historical and local history museum and moved to the Uzhgorod Fortress.

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Uzhansky National Nature Park

The Uzhansky Nature Park stretches along the upper reaches of the Uzh River from the Uzhok Pass to the village of Zabrod for 45 km. The area of the park is 39159 hectares. This unique reserve is home to hundreds of species of medicinal plants, dozens of rare animals, birds and fish.

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