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Solotvyno – excursions and tours

The village of Solotvyno is one of the main beach holiday centres in Transcarpathia thanks to the unique Solotvyno lakes, which resemble the Israeli Dead Sea in composition.

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Svalyava – excursions and tours

The city of Svalyava is a great location for a spa holiday. The city has ideal conditions for this, with a huge number of healing mineral springs and picturesque Carpathian forests.

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Museum «Korostiv narrow-gauge railway»

The history of the Korostiv narrow-gauge railway dates back to 1888, when its construction began. The main line was completed in 1893. Taking into account the branches built later, its maximum length was 41 km.

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Polyana – excursions and tours

The village of Polyana is a real paradise for lovers of sanatorium recreation and health improvement thanks to the healing properties of local mineral waters. It is the mineral waters that have turned Polyana into a famous balneological resort.

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Yasinya – tours and excursions

A visit to the picturesque village of Yasinya should start with the local churches. They are true masterpieces of Hutsul sacred architecture, filling visitors with positive spiritual energy.

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