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The events that take place in Transcarpathia and attract audiences from all over the country are distinguished by their uniqueness and diversity. In our catalogue, you will find the best options for festivals that impress with their atmosphere and extraordinary events. Everyone who takes part in the festival in Transcarpathia, captures the unique atmosphere of music, celebration and freedom.

Our catalogue presents events covering a wide range of themes and formats, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience for all lovers of outdoor activities and art. Browse through the details of each festival, check out their programme and choose the events that suit your preferences and mood.

On the Go-To.Rest website, dedicated to tourism, you will find full information and announcements of open events in Transcarpathia.

Фестивалі Закарпаття

Transcarpathian festivals on the map

Festivals of Transcarpathia and Prykarpattya

Сакура фест в Ужгороді

Uzhgorod festivals will keep travellers entertained throughout the year. For example, if you are planning to come to Uzhgorod in spring, the best option would be the Sakura Fest festival, which takes place in April. In January, there are traditional Christmas carols, nativity scenes, and fairs. In summer, we recommend visiting the Honey Savior, and in autumn, the best event for citizens and tourists is the City Day. Check out the poster of Uzhgorod festivals on the relevant page of our website and take an unforgettable trip to Transcarpathia!

Фестиваль повітряних куль у Східниці

Every year, the resort village of Skhidnytsia hosts interesting festivals that leave positive emotions among tourists and holidaymakers. We will tell you about the most famous and popular festivals in Skhidnytsia, which you should definitely visit at least once in your life. However, due to restrictions related to the martial law, you need to keep track of when they are held.

A selection of the most interesting festivals

Фестиваль “Ту Стань”!
Not far from Skhidnytsia, the village of Urych hosts a wonderful festival called Tu Stan every year! Near the ruins
Авторалі «Східниця Трофі»
Another interesting mass event in the village of Skhidnytsia is the Skhidnytsia Trophy rally. Car racers from all over Ukraine
Фестиваль «Східницьке літо» у Східниці
Every year in the summer (mostly in mid-August), a large-scale festival called Skhidnytsia Summer is held. The folk-song event features
Фестиваль повітряних куль у Східниці
For more than a decade, Skhidnytsia has been the venue for a unique balloon festival in the region. The balloons