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Tourist routes in Mizhhirya and its surroundings

Mizhhirya includes numerous tourist routes. Mizhgirya has long established itself as a universally recognized center

Temperature in Mizhhirya now

0.8o C   |   33.4o F

Features of Mizhgirya

There are a lot of interesting sights here. The region is the center and starting point for a large number of cycling and hiking destinations. Therefore, travelers will not have to think long about where to go in Mizhgirya. From here hiking excursions begin, there is a well-equipped ski track nearby, various recreation centers, hotels and sanatoriums function.

Therefore, in order not to miss anything, you need to study the map located on the site. Convenient filters will help you quickly find the most important points and interesting objects located near them. They also allow you to determine the approximate distance to them, indicating the direction uphill or downhill. This feature is very useful for the elderly and families with children who decide to choose walking routes for themselves. And hunger after visiting them should be satisfied in a variety of ethnic restaurants in Mizhgirya.

Cultural and natural sites

The region is one of the most environmentally friendly in Ukraine. Therefore, those who have visited Mizhgirya do not have to think about where to take a walk in summer or autumn.

Nature lovers will love picking mushrooms and berries. Suffice it to say that at least 100 tons of porcini mushrooms and almost 50 tons of berries are harvested here every year.

Connoisseurs of cultural and natural monuments will see mountains unique in their grandeur and beauty, or admire wooden religious architecture. Routes along Mizhgirya include an overview of new and old churches with bell towers, built according to all the canons of ancient traditions.

Hiking and cycling along Mizhhirya

Everything you need for a good outdoor recreation is provided in Transcarpathia. After all, the local climate is especially favorable for those who do not like to sit indoors.

The most interesting hiking routes are:

  • Shypot waterfall, unique in its beauty;
  • Alpine ski center Pylypets;
  • museums of the village of Kolochava with interesting artifacts and handicrafts;
  • unsurpassed lake Synevyr;
  • a rehabilitation center for brown bears, which must be visited with children, etc.

The region is extremely rich in mineral springs. There are 53 locations with amazing healing properties. The most famous are Verkhnebystryanskoe, Kelechinskoe, Kolochavskoe, Soimovskoe, etc.

The sights of Mizhhirya are available on our website on the map below. It is also necessary to visit the page of tours and excursions, since in addition to walks around the city, author’s excursions around the region are indicated here. In addition, the service tells about everything a traveler needs. It also told about the must see and visit for everyone who chooses hiking or cycling routes.

See other tourist routes in Mizhhirya and nearby


Assistance to guides

Local guides will make your visit to Mizhhirya even more exciting. Addressing them will save you time, money and effort. An experienced guide will recommend the most interesting routes around Mizhhirya, including trips, walks or local sightseeing. He will also advise you on how to choose the best accommodation option in a good hotel or affordable apartment. And besides, it will direct you to where the delicious dishes are served. After talking with him, it will become clear that there are no problems in Mizhgirya, where to take a walk or stay, and eating in restaurants and cafes of the village will remain a pleasant memory for a lifetime
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Popular questions

The most interesting hiking routes in Mizhhirya
Mizhhirya has many interesting sights to visit. Lake Synevyr, Shipit waterfall, Kolochava, brown bear rehabilitation center. The best routes are collected in our catalog.
Where to find a guide in Mizhhirya?
Our resource offers a large number of various guides and tour guides in Mizhhirya and throughout Transcarpathia. Call us and we will help you find what you need.