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What to see in Mizhgirya

There are a lot of interesting places in the highlands – one of them is the Brown Bear Rehabilitation Center, the only one in Ukraine. 31 animals live here in a close to wild nature. The highest mountain lake Synevyr and the Shipit waterfall are also nearby.

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Entertainment in Uzhgorod

Home 🕒 Date of last update of the article: 06.01.2024 at 11:32 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov Here are a few ideas for leisure activities in Uzhgorod. From simple walks and bike rides, to fascinating excursions. And you choose according to your own taste and mood. Temperature in Uzhgorod now 6.9o C   |   44.4o [...]
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Transfer and transportation in Uzhgorod

Home 🕒 Date of last update of the article: 10.02.2024 at 8:57 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov When planning a trip, you must take into account all the details, including how you will get to your destination or booked hotel from the airport, train station or other point of arrival in the city or [...]
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Voivodyno resort is interesting at all times of the year. Since the resort is located right in the mountains and away from the highway, it has its own atmosphere. Tourist center “Voevodyno” is located in an ecological area, where travelers enjoy silence and clean air. They walk in the mountains, admire the exotic park with numerous gazebos, bridges and lanterns, visit picturesque lakes and just have a good time.

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Vyshka (Krasiya)

Home Село Вишка розкинулось серед мальовничих гір. У Вишці бере свій виток річка Вишка, яка є лівою притокою Ужа. Згідно з переписом населення в УРСР у 1989 року  у Вишці мешкало 960 жителів. За переписом проведеним в незалежній Україні у 2001 році в населеному пункті проживало 883 особи, переважна більшість з яких українці. В наші [...]
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