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Things to do in Mukachevo

Mukachevo provides travelers with a wide range of entertainment for both children and adults. Therefore, every tourist has the opportunity to choose what he likes the most. It is only necessary to get acquainted in advance with the best ways of spending leisure time.

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Bicycle rental points in Mukachevo

We offer the best bicycles in Mukachevo, in order to use them, you just need to go to our page. Equipment is rented by the hour, so you can consider the route in advance, saving money on public transport. In addition, this sports means of transportation allows you to go where you want, and not where the bus follows.

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Rest in Mukachevo: hotels and private accommodation

Mukachevo is one of the tourist leaders in Ukraine with great recreational potential. Travellers from all over the world come here to see this pearl of history and culture, whose territory is so well developed that the flow of visitors to the city does not stop in summer or winter.

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Cafe in Mukachevo

Mukachevo is a tourist center, where huge streams of people flock to join its unique culture. But every person needs to alternate visits to historical places with lunch breaks. In our catalog you can find the best restaurants in Mukachevo.

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Truskavets is one of the oldest, largest and most popular balneological resorts in Ukraine. The city is located in Drohobych district of Lviv region. It is situated in the picturesque foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in the Vorotyshche River valley at an altitude of 384 m above sea level.

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