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Things to do in Mukachevo

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 06.01.2024 at 10:48 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

Mukachevo provides travelers with a wide range of entertainment for both children and adults. Therefore, every tourist has the opportunity to choose what he likes the most. It is only necessary to get acquainted in advance with the best ways of spending leisure time.

Active recreation in Mukachevo is also presented in a variety of ways, both cultural and educational. Here you will find a lot of events that are held both on weekends and on weekdays.

Розваги в Мукачево

Mukachevo is the center of attraction for travelers from all over the world

A huge number of tourists arrive in the city and everything that the most demanding of them could wish for is provided for them. Such a variety is explained by the fact that Mukachevo is distinguished by real hospitality. Its location near the borders of Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia creates a sense of fusion of numerous European cultures, traditions and customs.

So it is not surprising that people from all over the world want to visit the city. Here you can hear conversations that sound literally in all languages. Therefore, even foreign tourists feel absolutely free.

Current temperature in Mukachevo:

-0.4o C   |   31.3o F

Map of sights of Mukachevo

Variety of leisure activities in Mukachevo

Here there is no problem of how to spend time and where to go for leisure.

Travelers are offered:

  • ride on a modern rented bicycle around the city and its surroundings;
  • visiting interesting excursions to the most colorful and luxurious places of the region;
  • a walk along interesting routes recommended by a special page for city guests;
  • tour of Transcarpathia;
  • participation in an extreme adventure on rugged terrain, etc.

Cultural entertainment, as well as various excursions, allow you to unexpectedly discover the most interesting places in Mukachevo.

Різні види активного відпочинку у Мукачево

Various types of active recreation

The city has a lot of offers for lovers of active recreation. A wide variety of destinations for adults and children have been developed here, so a tourist will not have to think about where to go for a long time.

Many people choose hikes, adventures, entertainment and various excursions.

Our website presents a large number of interesting tours that start from Uzhhorod with arrival in Mukachevo and lead to the most wonderful locations of Transcarpathia.

Every traveler will find what he needs here. Therefore, guests of the city will not have to be bored for a single day.

Види екстремального відпочинку у Мукачево

Types of extreme recreation

Undoubtedly, many tourists come to visit museums and walk the streets of Mukachevo, absorbing its unique atmosphere. But the sharpness of sensations will become even brighter if you supplement it with a good portion of extreme.

The most exciting routes are laid not even in the city itself, but near it. Jeeping, quad bike or motorcycle will leave an unforgettable impression on every tourist, and horseback riding will make him experience incredible sensations. Hiking is no less interesting.

Travelers are encouraged to try:

  • Horseback riding.
  • Paintball.
  • Subjugation of wild nature on ATVs.
  • Adventures for motorsport lovers.
  • Off-road trips.
  • Rafting.
  • Fishing, etc.

Wonderful emotions will be provided to everyone. Both those who travel alone and those who arrived with their family will be satisfied. Romantic couples and youth companies will also discover a lot of interesting things.

Куди сходити ввечері у Мукачеві

Where to go in the evening

The question of where to go in the evening in Mukachevo will be removed from the agenda immediately after arriving in the city. With the onset of the evening, you should not be in a hurry to settle down for rest. There are a huge number of places where you can have a great time after sunset. Cozy cafes and restaurants seem to be specially waiting for a tourist to drop by in pleasant relaxation to provide him with exquisite culinary pleasure.

And after a wonderful dinner, you need to take a leisurely walk around the city center, looking again in the warm twilight at those corners that looked so brilliant during the day.

The curious will always be able to find out what interesting things the city can reveal to them at nightfall.

There are options for every taste – Mukachevo offers a huge selection for entertainment lovers. Blooming squares will welcome some tired travelers on their benches, making them fall in love with the city forever. For those who prefer to spend the evening at a concert or play, dramatic and musical productions await. No less interesting is the evening tour of the city’s cathedrals and temples.

Відпочинок з дітьми у Мукачево

Holidays with children

The most exciting types of entertainment for children will be:

⦁ children’s playgrounds;
⦁ cinemas;
⦁ Confectionery “Bondarenko”;
⦁ puppet theater;
⦁ “Honey House“;
⦁ monument to the soot shaker;
⦁ Park “Peremohy”;
⦁ Cyril and Methodius Square, etc.

Entertainment for children in Mukachevo is truly diverse and aimed at activating their cultural development.

Excursions to interesting locations in Transcarpathia

The most interesting places near Mukachevo

Міні-скульптура «Кельт» в Мукачеві
The mini-sculpture "Celt" was installed in Mukachevo on 17 March 2015. Its author is Mykhailo Kolodko. The mini-sculpture was a
Свято-Дмитрівська церква
In the villages of the Mukachevo district, as well as in other plain villages of the region, almost no wooden
Міні-скульптура Ференц Ракоці ІІ
The mini-sculpture of the Hungarian national hero Ferenc Rakoczy II was installed on October 24, 2015. It became the second
Міні-скульптура Ілона Зріні та Імре Текелі
On 18.05.2016, the 3rd mini-sculpture in Mukachevo was inaugurated in the city. It was dedicated to Ilona Zrini, the heroine
Невицький замок
Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, "by coincidence" also an evil
Дегустаційний зал «Медовий дім»
In 2010, the Honey House tasting hall was opened by the family of beekeepers Ludmila and Viktor Peresta as part
Покровський чоловічий монастир
The Pokrovsky Monastery is located in the village of Rakoshino, Mukachevo District, Zakarpattia Oblast, not far from the city of
Замок «Сент-Міклош» (Чинадіївський)
The austere Chynadiyevo castle with two corner towers, with meter-thick walls and mysterious dungeons, was built in the 14th century
Палац графів Шенборнів (замок Берегвар)
In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as
Свято-Миколаївський жіночий монастир
The St Nicholas Women's Monastery of Mukachevo of the UOC-MP is an Orthodox monastery on Chernecha Hill in Mukachevo (
Кафедральний собор Святого Мартіна
On the coat of arms of the second largest city in Transcarpathia, there is an image of St. Martin, who
Замок Паланок
Palanok Castle, the main historical landmark of Mukachevo, can be seen just a few kilometers from the city. An extinct
Палац князів Ракоці (Білий дім)
The Palace of the Rakoczi Princes (also known as the White House, White Palace) is a former palace of the
Мукачівська Ратуша
Mukachevo Town Hall is a three-story administrative building in the city of Mukachevo (Transcarpathian region). It was built at the
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,

Tours and excursions

Where is the best place to have a snack?

Among the huge number of options represented by restaurants and cafes in Mukachevo, we must mention “Bograch”, which offers excellent culinary recipes of European masters, “Grafskyi dvor” with the best dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, and “Kozachok Mukachevo”, which specializes in culinary masterpieces of Eastern of Europe You should not be afraid to go here with a child, as the variety and quality of the menu does not cause the slightest doubt.

Those who prefer more exotic food options will not have to think long about where to go in Mukachevo. Cafe “Japan” will offer oriental treats, and “Sakura” will create a magical romantic atmosphere for couples in love.

Гриль-паб «Таверна» у Мукачеві
110 Berehivska St., Mukachevo
+380 ....
Ресторан "Козачок"
Chinadievo, str. Dukhnovycha, 106
+380 ....
Restaurant "Decent Gazda"
Mukachevo, street Erdeli, 36A
+380 ....
Bograch Restaurant in Mukachevo
Cyril and Methodius Square 10-12, Mukachevo
+380 ....
Villa Del Re restaurant in Mukachevo
Mukachevo, Soborna Street, 14
+380 ....

Where to stay overnight?

Find accommodation in Mukachevo will not be difficult. There are offers for every taste and budget – cosy hotels, private sector and spacious cottages for companies. It is enough to visit the page of our service and simply choose what meets the wishes and capabilities of the tourist. The resource provides accommodation options with a swimming pool and without, on a quiet outskirts or in the centre just a stone’s throw from the main attractions. Once the application is submitted, you can continue enjoying your holiday in peace, without worrying about the problems of overnight accommodation.

Хостел «Солензара», Мукачево
62 Soborna St., 1A, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 400₴/night
Готель Кайзервальд Карпати
Karpaty, 1B (Schönborn Castle)
+380 ....

from 1300₴/night
Готель «Аполлон» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 11B Partizanska str.
+380 ....

from 800₴/night
Готель «Дельфін» у Мукачеві
Mukachevo, 1A Uzhhorodska str.
+380 ....

from 900₴/night
Хостел «Vokzal» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 1 Vokzalna str.
+380 ....

from 280₴/night
Готель «L&M» у Мукачеві
8 Michurina St., Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 855₴/night
Готель «Червона Гора» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 1A Chervona Gora St.
+380 ....

from 600₴/night
Санаторій Карпати
Karpaty, 1, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....

from 990₴/day
VIP hostel, Mukachevo
street Peace 66, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 500 ₴/night
Hotel "Ferdinand", Mukachevo
Mukachevo, University street 58A
+380 ....

from 1750 ₴/night
Star Hotel, Mukachevo
Sq. Cyril and Methodius, 10-12, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 790 ₴/night

Other activities

Винний погріб «Кельтський двір»
14 Pidlovachna Street, Mukachevo
+380 ....
Аквапарк «Карпатія»
St. Dukhnovycha, 89, Mukachevo
+380 ....

Popular questions

Where to go in Mukachevo?
We recommend a walk in the city center, so you can get to know all the main sights of the city - City Hall, Palanok Castle, pedestrian zone, etc.
What to do in Mukachevo?
The city has a lot of entertainment for every taste - walking and cycling tours, tours of the surroundings, a water park, cafes and restaurants

Detailed weather

Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.