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Vyshkovo Castle

The village of Vyshkovo is home to the remains of a powerful medieval Transcarpathian castle. In historical sources, the fortress was first mentioned in 1271. The castle was built by brothers Mik and Istvan Csepa from the Gunt-Pazman family.

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Jewish cemetery in Kosiv

The Jewish cemetery (kirkut) in Kosiv was founded in 1742. For its arrangement, the Jewish community of the city received a plot of land next to the City Hill behind the modern building at 42 Nezalezhnosti Street.

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Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Kosiv

The Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Kosiv is a functioning church that holds regular services. Entrance to this shrine is free.

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Dovzhanskyi Castle

In the village of Dovhe, the castle-palace of the magnates Dovhaiv and Teleki has been preserved. It was built on the site of a 15th-century fortress. In the middle of the XVIII century, the palace was enclosed by a defensive wall, behind the walls of which there is a small park.

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Hotels in Rakhiv

Numerous tourists from all over Europe know Rakhiv as a beautiful city with excellent recreational opportunities. Its well-developed infrastructure includes absolutely everything a modern traveller needs.

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