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Private sector in Rakhiv

Rakhiv is the administrative centre of the eponymous district of Transcarpathia and the highest town in Ukraine, located 0.5 km above sea level. It is located in a mountainous lowland at the confluence of the Bila and Chorna Tysa.

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Manors and cottages in Rakhiv

Rakhiv is located near the Romanian border next to the village of Dilove, which is considered the geographical centre of Europe. The area is home to the highest Carpathian mountains, the Gorgany, Svydovets and Chornohora ranges.

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Rest in Rakhiv

Rakhiv is a popular tourist town offering travellers a variety of leisure activities. The beauty of the local nature is particularly striking to tourists.

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Vats Svalyava

The peculiarity of the location is that Svalyava is considered not only a famous resort, but also a centre of medical tourism. Here you can experience the healing properties of local vats, which are a source of health and recuperation.

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Church of St Basil the Great in Kosiv

The locals call this church Moskalevskyi because it is located in the Kosiv district of the same name. The magnificent masterpiece of wooden church architecture with a bell tower was built in 1895 in the traditional Hutsul style.

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