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Polyanytsia – excursions and tours

Polyanytsia is an extremely popular place for recreation and health improvement due to the nearby elite ski resort of Bukovel. The picturesque village is located in the heart of the Carpathians at an altitude of over 900 metres.

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Skhidnytsia – excursions and tours

The village of Skhidnytsia is a great location for mineral water recreation. Skhidnytsia is developing dynamically as a modern balneological resort. The local mineral springs are as healing as those in Truskavets.

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Truskavets – excursions and tours

Truskavets is a real paradise for fans of spa recreation and wellness. This is thanks to the healing properties of the local mineral water, which has turned the city into a world-famous balneological resort.

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Volovets – excursions and tours

The village of Volovets is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Transcarpathia. The location is perfect for both active and more relaxing holidays at any time of the year.

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Museum-estate of Patriarch Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine

The museum-manor of Patriarch Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine is one of the most important sacred institutions of the tourist Kosiv region, which is a typical peasant house of the 1920s.

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