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Skhidnytsia – where to eat?

For tourists, the question of how and where to eat during their holidays is extremely important. Some people decide to cook their own meals to save money, but most travellers prefer to visit local cafes and restaurants. In addition to taking a break from everyday cooking, visiting local eateries allows you to learn about unique culinary traditions and experience the incredible taste of previously unknown dishes. In this regard, the Carpathian region is a real gastronomic paradise. Local culinary traditions have absorbed the experience of many generations and peoples and give your holiday a unique taste.

Temperature in Skhidnytsia now

12.5o C   |   54.5o F

The resort village of Skhidnytsia provides tourists and holidaymakers with a huge selection of various catering establishments. Skhidnytsia offers restaurants and cafes to suit every taste and budget.

The best restaurants and cafes in Skhidnytsia

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The excellent restaurants serving Ukrainian and European cuisine in Skhidnytsia are Santa Maria, Eden, Verkhovyna, Tustan, Jumbo and the Country House kolyba. The restaurant offers excellent set meals, catering for groups, as well as live music on request and banquets.

For those who require dietary meals, Skhidnytsia has a special diet restaurant called Kolibri. High-quality and balanced nutrition in this facility will help to enhance the health improvement effect in the local sanatoriums.

Fishing enthusiasts like to visit the Kolyba Skhidnytsia restaurant in Skhidnytsia. In addition to delicious dishes of Ukrainian, Hungarian and home cooking, they are attracted by the opportunity to go fishing and catch plenty of trout.

Those who want to taste delicious barbecue and other dishes cooked on the grill should definitely visit the Bbq Grill restaurant in Skhidnytsia. This restaurant offers not only delicious food, but also reasonable prices and excellent service.

For fans of Italian cuisine, I recommend visiting the Dolce Vita restaurant in Skhidnytsia. It serves delicious pizzas, pastas, ravioli, risotto and other dishes with a real Italian flavour.

If you just want to go for a pizza, then the ideal option for this in Skhidnytsia is the Panneteria Bakery & Pizza pizzeria. It serves delicious Italian wood-fired pizza.

For those who just want to drink coffee with a cake, I recommend visiting the Coffee Buffet and Love ️Coffee cafes. The modern design, aromatic café and delicious desserts in these establishments will make your morning in Skhidnytsia great.

Tourists and holidaymakers looking for an establishment with affordable prices and hearty dishes in Skhidnytsia should pay attention to the Natalie dining room and the Sova bistro. The variety and large portions will help you quickly satisfy your hunger and stay full all day.

Most hotels and resorts in Skhidnytsia have their own restaurants and canteens, where tourists and holidaymakers are offered excellent dishes of Ukrainian and European cuisine. Local, environmentally friendly products and water are used for cooking, which significantly enhances the health benefits of a holiday in the village.

Regardless of the restaurant you choose, the taste of local dishes prepared with love will be a real culinary bliss for you.

Cafes and restaurants of Transcarpathia on the map

Tours and excursions from Skhidnytsia

Where to stay in Skhidnytsia?

The village of Skhidnytsia has many excellent accommodation options for the most demanding travellers. The most popular are cottages and manors offers from the private sector, and local hotels.

Our team will help you choose the best option catalogue of housing in Skhidnytsia.


Готельно-оздоровчий комплекс «Цитадель»
37B Nezalezhnosti St., Skhidnytsia
+380 ....
from 900₴/day

Cottages and manors

Котедж «Ватра» у Східниці
39B Ivan Franko Street, Skhidnytsia
+380 ....
from 1600₴/day

The most interesting places near Skhidnytsia

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The history of the Korostiv narrow-gauge railway dates back to 1888, when its construction began. The main line was completed
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Вілла Клюберга у Трускавці
The Kluberg Villa was built in Truskavets back in 1907 on the initiative of a local resident, Mayer Kluberg. This
Римо-католицький костел Успіння Пресвятої Діви Марії у Трускавці
The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Truskavets is a shrine that is a
Музей народного художника України Михайла Біласа
The Museum of the National Painter of Ukraine Mykhailo Bilas is located in the centre of Truskavets in the former
Музей Омеляна Стоцького
The Omelyan Stotsky Museum is a small building on the territory of the Skhidnytsia Karpaty sanatorium. In the museum, you
Курортний парк «Адамівка» у Трускавці
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Музей-краївка «Історія Трускавця»
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Місто-фортеця Тустань
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Водоспад Кам'янка
Kamyansky Vodopad (also known as Kamyanetsky Vodopad, Kamyanka) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians, within the Skole Beskydy massif.

Skhidnytsia festivals

Фестиваль “Ту Стань”!
Not far from Skhidnytsia, the village of Urych hosts a wonderful festival called Tu Stan every year! Near the ruins
Авторалі «Східниця Трофі»
Another interesting mass event in the village of Skhidnytsia is the Skhidnytsia Trophy rally. Car racers from all over Ukraine
Фестиваль «Східницьке літо» у Східниці
Every year in the summer (mostly in mid-August), a large-scale festival called Skhidnytsia Summer is held. The folk-song event features
Фестиваль повітряних куль у Східниці
For more than a decade, Skhidnytsia has been the venue for a unique balloon festival in the region. The balloons

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