What to do in Skhidnytsia?
Most holidaymakers come here to improve their health. Holidays here in summer are just as useful as in winter. But many people want to spend their time with benefit.
Absolutely everyone should also visit the state historical and cultural reserve “Tustan“, which is a sandstone fortification.
Of great interest is the stone church built in the late 17th century. St Nicholas Church, which is located 3 km from Skhidnytsia in the village of Novyi Kropyvnyk.
To acquaint children with the history of the country, they should definitely visit the ethnographic room-museum of folk life located in the school building.
Everyone of any age will be equally interested to see the huge landscape regional park “Stuzhytsia”, which is located on the slope of the Beskid mountain range.
Therefore, it is better to rent an apartment in the village for a rather long period of time.
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